Examples of spiritual mutilation made by education system
Institutions say that the school's main role would be to provide information which the student will use later as adult. But school provide useful information only for some which would receive social privileged functions. The most important thing that contemporary education system makes is the selection and assignment of the bad or good jobs of future masters or slaves.
As long as school is done systematically by the (semitotalitarian) state's interest the education will borrow all its defects. The idea of school who takes the untrained and imperfect man and makes him happy, civilized and perfect is a mess comparable to many other contemporary state garbage. The hypocrisy of the system is fully reflected in the educational system.
Two main things the school aims. The first is the early identification of potential leaders in order to attract them to the slave system side and to avoid types like Spartacus and Jesus who destroyed the Roman Empire culture. Thus the system creates bureaucracy that holds such people from starting major revolts. The bureaucratic jobs are easy jobs for potential leaders to make sure that they will not develop subversive activities against the established order. The system creates some selection mechanisms that will identify the truly charismatic and perseverance ones and put them in comfortable and warm positions that will not cause agitation in the minds of slaves.