Baldovin Concept censured on Facebook

(ro- for English scroll down) Baldovin Concept a fost pentru o perioada in imposibilitate de a fi publicat pe Facebook. Probabil ca unii dusmani ai sigurantei femeilor au fost deranjati de articolele scrse aici in ultimul an, si l-au raportat masiv ca spam, desi continutul sau nu contine reclame si nu vinde nimic. La rugamintile mele, dvs. cititorii ati contraraportat ca spatiu sigur care nu incalca standarderele comunitatii, pentru care va multumesc.

Eng- Baldovin Concept was for some time banned to be published on Facebook. Probably some women's security enemies were disturbed by the last year's articles I wrote here and received multiple negative spam reports to Facebook, although its content doesn’t contain advertising or any kind of commerce. But due to my asking for help, you the readers counter-reported this space as safe, not going against the Facebook Community Standards, so I thank you for that.

24 decembrie 2008

The mirroring of classical philosophy into the freedom issue

In romaneste aici:

For hundreds of years philosophy have seen the freedom as a metaphysical matter but not as political one. But in the 19 and 20 century freedom started to be perceived in political terms and since then the philosophy have lost another part: the sociology.

The reality of slavery was very clear before that rupture and it is unbelievable how philosophy ignored the political frame of freedom. This problem is still today one of the most critical because it leads to terrible ethical convulsions. But instead of confronting it and conceive its terrestrial nature the philosophy throw it into the sky. It is said that Tales of Millet fell down into a hole once even he considered himself as a big astronaut but his contemporary fellows were joking about it and asked "how such a man pretend know what is upper his head since he has no clue about what is under his feet?". Watching their way of thinking one would get the impression that the philosophers are some kind of autist persons that developed some abilities according to their personalities.

17 decembrie 2008

Oglindirea filosofiei clasice in tema libertatii

English version here:

In toata istoria de 2-3 mii de ani a filosofiei libertatea a fost tratata ca problema metafizica si nu ca una politica. Abia in secolul 19 si 20 libertatea a inceput sa fie gandita exclusiv politic si atunci din filosofie s-a desprins ceea ce stim astazi ca e sociologia.

Lucrul pare cu adevarat uimitor daca ne gandim ca problema discriminarii si exploatarii sclavilor este o tema cu adevarat sensibila si dureroasa. As putea spune ca o astfel de tema este cea mai sensibila dintre toate deoarece produce teribile spasme etice. Si cu toate astea filosofia arunca problema libertatii in cer in loc sa o vada clar sub nas. Parca Tales din Milet care se considera ditamai astronomul ajunsese sa fie mistocarit de contemporani pentru ca la un moment dat a cazut intr-o groapa fiind intrebat: cum poti tu sa stii ce e pe cer daca nu stii ce ai sub picioare?". La prima vedere ai tendinta sa crezi ca filosofii sunt ei niste autisti asa care si-au dezvoltat abilitati spre abstractizari specifice personalitatii lor.

1 decembrie 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum or what should be done for contemporary society emancipation

In romaneste aici:

I have seen the Zeitgeist Addendum documentary and probably my last two entries showed that because they are connected with the issue. Actually I first intended to make one single entry but the text would look unusually long. I finally decided to split it into 3 parts because every one of them could be read without reading the others. But, of course, for a better understanding of each one of them would help reading the others.
I find Addendum much better then ‘the original’, Zeitgeist the movie’. I mirrored some of my intimate ideas into this last one. The most intimate one is that of criminality as a consequence not of the evilness of the person that commits crime but as a result of the pressure that social system has over it. So the justice is principally based on despotic actions (its imperial Roman origin sustain this) democratically painted of contemporary society political leaders. This is the reason for Ju$titia? stencil. ‘I want you’ (‘Armata e gunoi’ in Romanian) was also present at the end of this documentary.

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