The laws; a brief introduction into Ju$tice machinery
In romaneste aici: Every profession is meant to produce objects or satisfactions for masters or to supervise the slaves or bring down their spirit in order to bring down their willing to rise up. “I just felt like” is felt by every slave when does not work, when gets bored and when not feeling well if do not execute the masters command. Such a feeling is critical for the global economy function. This feeling is build up by the state institutions using the spiritual mutilations during many generations. We live in the Matrix meant to satisfy the needs of such cyborgs of traveling on the moon or of having luxury residences and, finally of having a rival or somebody at his/her knees from whom to extract the feeling of power. Such a bizarre need is pointless today but it satisfy the reflexes of community old big robbers called masters that today masters have from. Stealing and enslaving the innocent community is the base of civilization but instead of old sieges today we have the state that manages to robber more efficiently than the power of armies. The rules, the procedures and the legislation are the tools that mainly replaced the killing weapons but, as the cause survives in the effect the classical weapons now technological developed are good supports for such a “democratic institutions” that serve luxury neorobberers.