1.9. Redefining the slavery according to its modern changes.
The automatist society manifesto
1.9. Redefining slavery according to its modern changes. The criteria of the slavery surviving inside the contractual free trade relationship
So, in this entries series I have shown that there are two main differences between the classical slave and the modern order taker. The first one is the slave direct threat with death or beating in order to execute the master's orders. The other one is the leaving work interdiction, which is, the impossibility of resignation. However, the similarities between the two social statuses are much closer than these two differences. The formal freedom given to classical slave by granting the resignation or vacation modern liberties leave is a false freedom because in the meantime many other traditional liberties have been suppressed. Even though they seem unimportant, yet their number is surprisingly large. So the number of suppressed liberties get to counteract these granted new rights that modern order taker have in addition compared to the classical slave like inflation cuts down eventually the wage increases. Per total, these new freedoms are suppressed by the modern order taker social condition.
Despite the basic free and respect relationship between chief and subordinate, most contemporary jobs contain higher or lower slavery remains. For example, this happens when the chief has a subhuman and disrespectful attitude towards the subordinate who strives to do a good job. Another example is the subordinate under-valuation job to its true value. The main reason for this relationship is to make it even more profitable and to bring it more productivity. These are the main signs of slavery slippage from the freely agreed labor relationship to the forced labor. Here’s how the classical slavery definition through lack of freedom to leave the workplace and the according to job done contractual payment is not good enough to keep the modern working relations out of the slavery mentality remains.
So, despite some insignificant differences, the contemporary society has generally the same principles as the past centuries classical (slavery) one. We are still living in a slavery society, but we do not recognize it out of shame, embarrassment, or even because we are too greedy to earn even greater profits after negotiating the modern slaves lives. The modern order taker is more motivated to fulfill the social superiors’ orders and to produce more if has an illusively self-perception as a free person.
There is a slavery mentality typical reaction to identify the potential slaves and exploit them or to identify the potential masters and promote them in the privileged social positions. The first ones produce something concrete in their job as the others get bureaucratic jobs, pretend to produce something but they actually produce absolutely nothing. They only mimic the work just in order not to look cynical profiteers in front of the simple people that are educated in the hard work and hard life humble attitude. The similarities do not stop there: as in the past, the masters do little else for the community except of eventually amusing behind the slaves' silliness, the human caricatures and the spiritual mutilation after initially bringing them into this degrading situation. The differences I have dealt with in these entries series mainly consist in the different packaging specific to these two social statutes. In the past, the orders takers were simply called slaves, and each accepted their social position by virtue of the death and beating threats. Today they are called "misters", "gentlemen", "managers", "directors", etc.
The principle of slavery infiltrated into freely consensual working relationships consists precisely in manipulating the servant's environment to make her/him take certain orders more than she/he would do from her/his own inner initiative of free will. Both the classical slave and the modern order taker is a person whose natural or social environment was previously so influenced and manipulated as to reduce her/his living standard in such a way that eventually ends up into accepting those orders that she/he would not normally have taken.
The individual education received from school prevents it from making a return to the nature and set itself free. Being professionally formed in another area and having a supersaturated mind with information, the modern order taker either does not have time for this or she/he becomes too conservative to build her/his own shelter and to directly create her/his own food. Taking advantage of this conservatism, the modern slavery system is still today able to make the most of its slaves through the industry of illusions and threats.
The modern order taker acceptance of the underpaid job, below the market value, is a slavery consequence rather than its functional principle. Increasing the remuneration does not release the slave into a free man at all. The abuse of will manipulation to execute a specific order can not formally be compensated by payment. In this case, after being subordinated, it does not matter whether that person once will also have some higher or lower profit. If the subordination to the command hierarchy is a result of this negative influence of the market or the social environment, and not out of her/his personal conviction after the contact with the free market, then that person is not a free one, but a slave. Her/his free will was abused.
Here is how the slavery social reality principle is not the fact that a person is held in physical chains, without reward and without the possibility of resignation. These are classical slavery signs only that does not meet the contemporary modified one. That is why there is a need for a new slavery definition in order to fit not just for the classical slavery relationship but also for the common points area with the modern employee - employer relationship too. Therefore, the redefining the "slavery" notion to the reality of modern consented working relations must take into account its paradoxical expansion beyond the limits imposed by the official slavery ideology.
So, in order to include the wage slavery among the classical one, I propose an extension of the notion of "slavery" as follows:
The slavery is the state of performing certain profitable activities for one person or more whose social range is positioned at the social system pyramid top, at a specific request, that a person offers in exchange for food and shelter, and which requires more effort and time to achieve than if that person would have obtained directly through the free access to natural resources.
The classical slavery prevented the slave access to natural resources by the leaving workplace prohibition. The feudalism made this maneuver by the feudal huge expansion property so that it was no resources left for others. The modern age of freely agreed labor relations, has became specialized in diverting the slave out of these resources through confuse education, exchange scum deceiving and unspecific threats that act inside the deep, unconscious mind. Whether there is insufficient remuneration for an indispensable activity or there is progressive mental disorder that the social system produces in time to the modern order taker through continuous stress or social damnation , the result is the same: a second-hand person. A slave.
The contemporary official ideology that shows a radical distinction between the notion of "slave" and the "manager" or "director", used for the modern order taker, has to be corrected for the sake of clarity. The lying on these terms in the modern craft nomenclature is directly deduced from the very slavery abolition lie. The terminology needs to be adjusted according to this well camouflaged but painful reality through the huge state institutions. I will write a special entry in the future about this contemporary ideological scum.
Of course, the terms still in use for the two social categories designation can be used further on. It possible to generally adopt the distinction between classical and wage slavery, as I have done during this entries series . However, as I have said for many years in this space, to say that there is a radical differentiation between the two social statutes, as it is stated by this classical slavery abolition ideological circus, is a not only a squeezed lie but even a hideous one. I will show in the following entry why the slavery was immoral in the civilized world.
Many theorists have used the phrase "wage slavery" since the 19th century, and many independent contemporary theorists still use it today. The best known of them is the great linguist and sociologist Noam Chomsky. Unfortunately, such an expression is ideologically countered by lot of armies of philosophers and contextual sociologists, mercenary theorists employed by the contemporary mafia system as ideological advocates through the universities around the world to counteract this painful truth. They write PHD theses, and are awarded for convincing the humble minds that the contemporary society is free. For them, the expression "wage slavery" seems to be a contradiction in terms. The Plato's cave myth perfectly fit this situation.
Of course, authorities and all the traditional-privileged social classes have every interest in equating the slavery with the classical slavery only. The purpose of this ideological scam is to overlap an ambivalent inner desire that the modern order taker has to set herself/himself free. These people are emotionally predisposed to subordinate themselves to others due to the both childhood education and the genetically inherited slave mentality legacy that is still alive in their hearts. As brilliantly Nietzsche said at the beginning of the slavery abolition lie social generally implementation, there are “master-morality” and “slave-morality” I will analyze in detail this ambivalence in one of the following entries. The slavery reducing only to these signs has a very practical purpose in terms of social benefactor mentality. It consists in creating the illusions of political and economic freedom, the psychoactive substances culture development with which the slave daily celebrates the freedom wanted for centuries by its genealogical branch, as a came true beautiful dream. Such alcohol-and- psychoactive substances freedom looks like that of a rat that is self-stimulates its own hypothalamic (the brain pleasure centre) to the exhaustion by the electrical impulses caused by its own pedaling that causes impulses, as seen in the following film:
Min 02. 23
So, at the end of this entry and this entries series, we are now able to develop this idea by exposing the criteria of extended slavery to the modern free trade working relations between two partners. They are the following:
(after the false free exchange relationship)
- 1. the low work quality in concern to the human dignity;
- 2. the excessive work volume in concern to the free time;
- 3. the excessive work volume in concern to the received payment;
(after the indirect threats from society)
- 4. the artificial wars created and maintained, without justification or poorly justified by their initiators;
- 5. the insufficient received payment to ensure decent shelter and healthy food;
- 6. the insufficient social assistance after retirement;
- 7. the bosses’ tyrannical attitude;
In the next chapter I will describe the slavery benchmarks evolution from antiquity to the present