Pro Privacy
De fapt, eu nu am politica de confidentialitate, pentru ca nu folosesc „politica confidentialitatii”. Urasc publicitatea, asa ca nu voi permite reclame in acest spatiu atat timp cat asa ceva va fi posibil. Pana cand cineva imi va impune in mod special sa accept reclamele, spatiile acestea in care public vor ramane fara publicitate. Deci, navigarea aici va fi sigura de spam sau alte mesaje nedorite, cu exceptia cazului in care Google (blogger) decide altfel. Va puteti abona la primirea noilor postari prin e-mail, prin introducerea adresei dvs. in caseta care poate fi gasit pe panoul din dreapta. Nu am acces la acea baza de date si nici nu vreau sa am, deoarece nu ma intereseaza sa trimit mesaje comerciale nedorite. Asa ca folositi-l cu incredere! Si daca vreti sa ma intrebati ceva personal, puteti folosi formularul de contact din panoul de jos sau butonul de contact din meniu!
I don’t actually have policy privacy, because I don’t use the „politics of privacy”. I hate advertising so I won’t allow ads on this space as long as that would be possible. Till somebody will specifically impose me accept the ads, my spaces will stay out of advertising. So, surfing here will be safe of getting spam or other unwanted messages, unless google (blogger) decides otherwise. You can subscribe to getting my new posts by email, by inserting your address into a box widget that can be found on the right panel. I don’t have access to that data base and am not interested in that, as am not interested in sending unwanted commercial messages. So use it with confidence! And, if you want to ask me something, just use the contact form at the bottom panel, or contact button from menu!