DSM attacked from philosophical positions: response to an article written by Robert D. Stolorow
I have not read yet the DSM-V, but I heard about the debates that took place around its appearance, especially concerning some possible new disorders like the addiction to video games or the addiction to internet. Here is not the place for this debate to continue however but, with such intention, the DSM had upset some companies that found themselves in the position of competing with the pharmacological medication proposed by psychiatry. This finally ended with the new-antipsychiatric documentary "the marketing of madness". Made for to reach the ears and eyes of the public, this documentary uses all possible arguments, especially those relating to advertising, to demolish not only the DSM, but in the psychiatry in general. I analyzed in detail these arguments in this article:
But recently, I have read an article by the psychoanalyst Robert D. Stolorow, published here:
or here on 02 Apr 2012.
In the article quoted above, Stolorow make another kind of criticism to the DSM V, quite bizarre, respectively from a philosophical position. I’m not saying that DSM would not fit a philosophical investigation; if the epistemology seems rather a discipline in itself, detached from traditional body of philosophy, though, the philosophy of science (which has not yet announced its independence) could apply for such an approach. But the Stolorow’s article, somehow, seems written in a hurry, rather looking like a need to maintain a halfabandoned blog than a need to seriously develop a theoretical approach. I have in mind the philosophy professionals that use to write as if, over a certain period, the writing would not be permitted any more. Their need to construct an idea as complete as possible and to exhaust its implications, lead to very long texts which often bore an unprofessional reader.