The terrorism as pillar of state
The automatist society manifesto The terrorism as pillar of state
The ordinary contemporary people had become conscious about their own power and ability to react to systematic traditional threats form authorities. Marginalized communities have also learned to use weapons and to respond to abuses, thanks to simple emancipation that has widely spread into contemporary civilized mentality. Feeling discriminated and wronged, ordinary people suddenly took their fate in their hands and become unmanageable. In 20th century took places many attacks made by ordinary people against officials and privileged ones. That was one issue among others that led more freedom and more respect. Authorities began to fear more and more by the ordinary people’s capacity to respond with violence to everyday life frustrations. For this reason, they have developed those deceiving theories about Pacific war, about the so-called good official violence and about the bad violence of those who do not systematically use it.
The bad image of terrorism is spread all over the all media channels. I am not trying to say that terrorists are actually "good guys", as they claim, but I simply cannot believe that the authorities themselves are the "axis of good", like they want to be perceived, in a kind of traditional battle between evil with good. A formula like "axis of evil" used by G. Bush is designed to operate in these parameters as long as receptors have a classical dualistic mentality or even primitive one. If there is demonstrated that enemy is bad then such a mentality will perceive the enemy’s opponent as good. Each of these two sides justifies their own angelic face showing the devilish face of the other one.