1.7. The freedom, the self-esteem and the marginalization
The automatist society manifesto
1.7. The freedom, self-esteem and marginalization
This entry continues from here
I have pointed out in previous articles that there are significant similarities between the classical slave and the modern orders taker as the unpaid labor according to market provided, the denial or harassment to the right to food or housing, or the trauma artificial cultivation in social or natural environment. I will make a brief summary of them as follows:
The contract and rewards. The classical slave did not receive a differentiated and targeted payment for her/his work and did not work under a contract, but under the threats. The modern orders taker provides a contract predicted activity, in exchange for a favor from the one who uses that. Even if the contract does not have specific legal form, it is commonly understood when the employer pays the employee. The employee receives a specific reward for an extra job or an extra service made for employer. However, often the payment or reward does not reflect the market work value, dupa cum am aratat as I have shown here .
The right to food and housing. The house or food did not belong at all to the slave during the classical slavery. However, despite the classical slavery immorality, the classical master used to give these two very important rights to slave which civilized society does not guarantee anymore. That master who denied these rights risked to have ineffective slaves. The punishment for malnourished or sick slaves does not lead to increased productivity. A good master knew that offering these rights to slaves is reflected in productivity. They are the profit condition. Unlike the classical slave, the modern orders taker can choose the food or home that may become temporary property along other goods, but they are not guaranteed, i as I have shown in this article . Societatea moderna nu mai pedepseste refuzul de executare de ordine, insa nici nu mai garanteaza aceste doua drepturi fundamentale.
The punishments. The classical slave was directly threatened with traumas coming from the master. On the contrary, the modern orders taker of the order is indirectly threatened through the many wars that modern civilization creates and maintains. The direct threats that the modern society points on the modern orders taker orders are minor and normal for a primitive or classical society. But she/he paranoidly interprets the indirect ones as directed to oneself. Unfortunately the modern social system has learned to systematically cultivate these indirect threats that, ultimately, lead to the increased productivity as well as direct ones from the classical slavery, as I have shown here .
Later, in this article I will describe other three important criteria for similarities and differences between the two social statuses, which derive from those already listed. These are the freedom, the marginalization and the self-esteem.
The freedom. The modern orders taker also differs from the classical slave by having the traveling and resignation freedom. Indeed, as for the intention of leaving the work place, there are net differences between the two social statuses. The freedom given to the modern orders taker is very important but it is far from being as much as it is officially declared.
The traveling and profession choice freedom are the most important rights given to the modern orders taker and denied to the classical slave. However, despite granting these liberties, unfortunately no modern civilized state gives a true political freedom to its lower class citizens. That would mean the stopping pressures from upper social class to lower ones that serve. Therefore the freedom theme is still alive disputed in the contemporary thinking. Meanwhile, it has expanded far beyond the political science under the ideological deception need specific to Aristotle's reason to justify slavery. He justified the slave’s freedom restricting with the free man extra freedom benefiting from that restriction. But if we look closely to this reason we see that this is a wild nature justification of bigger fish to eat smaller fish and not a moral civilized one. With this reason any crime could be justified, as it brings some advantages more to their authors and restrict the victim’s.
Extending the freedom theme outside of political sciences aims to justify slavery through the ontology and not by political oppression. We see here a skillful subterfuge to blame the slavery crime on the way the universe is built and not by the corrupt oligarchy irresponsible vice. I will return to this subject in the next entries because it has unimaginable deep roots in the philosophy history. For now I only point that the modern orders taker abused freedom is not based on environmental protection or on preventing a potential others people abused freedom, but because that restriction is used to increase the freedom of those who give orders, as in classical slavery. As we heard in the famous song "We want your soul", today common people freedom is the freedom to do what the privileged ones ask to.
The authorities claim that the modern orders taker would willingly and unhindered perform such jobs is a big bugbear as long as her/his social and natural environment are grossly manipulated into becoming traumatic. The "voluntarily" work criteria that the modern orders taker is distinguished from the classical slave, who was forced to perform the job, is not convincing given that most of modern people detest the jobs they have. Just like the classical slaves did in the past. This is the most important slavery sign criteria, whether classical or modern, camouflaged in free contractual work relationship.
If the modern orders taker eventually accepts to obey orders is not in any case because she/he really wants to, but because she/he feels that the threats will continue until it would eventually do it. Some resist these continuous threats, but most obey. Their ancestors gave up and were left alive. That is why is very likely that most of their descendants will do the same.
Here are only traumas sources hiding by interposing distractions between the traumatic master and the efficiently executing orders slaves. We can say they are free to resign, but we can truly call them free as long as they are harassed by these rewards and punishment persuasion institutions (manipulated) to do things that normally would not do. Under these circumstances the statement that in modern society every person is free. A lucid analysis obliges us to see the slavery beyond its classical limits which we were accustomed.
The freedom existence reasons usually bring upper classes liberties examples. This freedom is true now for the social pyramid top just as it was true in the past. In fact this freedom is actually made possible by the slavery abuses only, by taking slaves freedom parts and adding them to the masters freedom. So even if the today social pyramid base freedom is bigger as in the past, it is still politically restricted. I will detail in the following entries the pressure mechanisms that some institutions significantly counteract this false freedom offered only on paper to the modern orders taker.
The marginalization and self-esteem. In terms of self-esteem, we also see amazing similarities between the classical slaves and the modern orders takers. Cultivating these low self-esteem feelings is directly reflected in the profit that the employer unevenly shares with the employee, as Marx said. A praised employee is also either a well paid or paid under the earned profit fair distribution between the entire micro-community that participated in obtaining it. On the contrary, a humiliated employee will ask fewer profit-sharing rights. So it is very clear that the employer's interest is to have low self-esteem employees in order to get a higher profit. Therefore, in their blind profit chase, the corporations are pulling the social system strings to cause frustration and low self-esteem to these people, as they are their raw profits material.
Unfortunately, these low self-esteem feelings are cultivated from early ages, in school. Despite the "no child left behind" nice words, many finds themselves lost and marginalized in the middle of an indifferent world after leaving school. The compulsory schooling education actually hides this abject intention to cultivate feelings of low self-esteem from the very infancy to the future modern orders taker so to make it profitable later in exchange for regaining dignity as human being.
Those placed at the social pyramid base social exclusion turns then into outwards or inwards aggressiveness that these people have. The antisocial resentments that they develop can reach each of us. The real responsible for their psychopathological condition are hided behind armored cars and armies guarded properties. Then, unfortunately, as I will point out in next entries, if that low self-esteem is very sharp then it could turn even into mind depression. And the depression incidence percentage in contemporary society is simply overwhelming. This must make us think seriously about what we want to do with the human species and what legacy we will send to the future generations. I will publish in the future a series of entries on this subject.
So, it is obvious that the similarities between the classical slaves and the modern orders taker are far bigger than the differences. We see that between the two social statuses there is more continuity than revolution. As I kept argued in this space, the steeples and trumpets abolishing slavery idea seems rather a bugbear than a social reality. In the next entry I will make a brief history of the classical slavery abolition through transforming into free trade working relationship as we know it today, considering the similarities between the classical slave and the modern orders taker that I previously emphasized.