The real collective unconscious. Reply to Jungian theoretical bluff
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This entry is linked to some still to come. Its main purpose is to explain two issues are specific to these days Romanian public life. The first one refers to the Becali getting to jail and the other one is some press favorable articles about Atanasie Stanculescu (the convicted general for the military crimes against people in 1989 events). Analyzing these cases will help understand some features about contemporary global state. They seem totally different but, at the closer look, we will see that are very close related one another. I will take a conclusion concerning them in a future entry. For now I will make a deeper and more general social system analysis.
In a metasocial approach, the state works just like Unconscious that Freud described. Beyond the mincing and „spiritual” statements, the state hides some very practical, material and concrete intentions, just like Unconscious does. The individual classical neurotic Unconscious that Freud described and the collective social state Unconscious could not be separated because they both relate to the same system – the human being.
The first human psychic system structural theory that Freud proposed (the so-called „first topography”) has many dynamic-explanatory and definition lacunas. Freud was aware of some of them and that is why he finally launched „the second topography”. But this „First Topography” is still very useful for introduction and description. Everybody understands some things about the psychical system basics even if „the first topography” is still a metaphor. I am not going to get into details here – that is not the purposes of this text – but if somebody wants to find out about it than can check ”The dynamics of abyssal psychology” I wrote. That better communication characteristic makes me use Freud’s „First Topography” in this text for a general description of some social system features. I am sure that that couple of concepts form „First Topography” would not be enough for a detailed analysis of social system but it is good enough for the text here.