Baldovin Concept censured on Facebook

(ro- for English scroll down) Baldovin Concept a fost pentru o perioada in imposibilitate de a fi publicat pe Facebook. Probabil ca unii dusmani ai sigurantei femeilor au fost deranjati de articolele scrse aici in ultimul an, si l-au raportat masiv ca spam, desi continutul sau nu contine reclame si nu vinde nimic. La rugamintile mele, dvs. cititorii ati contraraportat ca spatiu sigur care nu incalca standarderele comunitatii, pentru care va multumesc.

Eng- Baldovin Concept was for some time banned to be published on Facebook. Probably some women's security enemies were disturbed by the last year's articles I wrote here and received multiple negative spam reports to Facebook, although its content doesn’t contain advertising or any kind of commerce. But due to my asking for help, you the readers counter-reported this space as safe, not going against the Facebook Community Standards, so I thank you for that.

20 mai 2009

The masters. The mercenaries. The slaves


In romaneste aici:

In the last blog entry I made a short analysis of particular civilized human being psychic regarding the influences of civilization during the centuries. Haeckel and then Freud showed how the primitive human being survives into the civilized one or how the child survives into the adult person. I am going to cover the part that is missing between the primitive culture and the childhood. I think we can understand better the human being and the society that lives in if make this connection and complete its evolution chain.

This connection between these periods is the classical civilization. That means classical culture and colonialism witch is the relation between slave and the master. Such a relation survives in contemporary society as the primitive survives in contemporaneous. The classical hermetic separation between slave and master is to be found in contemporary society also but this image is very undercovered. The (official) culture made such an artificial and untruthful distinction between the classical slave and the contemporary worker so that these two concepts look like totally different one from another. In fact these are almost identical. The only difference between them relies in the fact that the violent weapons that classical slave was threatened in order to work for master was replaced in modern society by manipulation and big lies. Today the violent weapons are used by masters only these "peacefully" ones fail in convincing the slave to work.

It is true indeed that the classical slave disappeared as classical culture disappeared. Only the mafia or some small work Traficant band sometimes uses classical slavery. But if the contemporary slaves are different from classical ones that does not mean that that slavery just disappeared but it just only transformed. This change is very small in many cases for contemporary people.

Stăpanii. Mercenarii. Sclavii


english version here:

In articolul precedent am facut o analiza sumara a psihicului specific omului civilizat cu urmele pe care societatea civilizata le-a lasat de-a lungul secolelor. In ce masura omul primitiv supravietuieste in cel contemporan sau copilul in adult ne-a aratat destul de clar Haeckel si apoi Freud. Eu as vrea sa acopar o veriga lipsa intre aceste doua perioade, cea a omului clasic care supravietuieste in cel contemporan. Odata ce vom face aceasta legatura anumite aspecte ale societatii contemporane vor fi ceva mai bine intelese.

Ei bine, intre copilarie si perioada primitiva pe care orice om o are incorporata in sufletul sau exista perioada clasica. Cand ai spus om clasic ai spus cultura clasica si colonialism, adica sclav si stapan. O astfel de relatie supravietuieste in societatea contemporana in aceeasi masura in care primitivul o face in insusi omul contemporan. Separatia ermetica intre sclav si stapan specifica epocii clasice exista si in societatea contemporana insa realitatea unui astfel de ermetism este puternic cosmetizata in asa fel incat sa nu fie observabila. Cultura (oficiala) a facut o asemenea distinctie intre sclavul antic si muncitorul contemporan incat cele doua notiuni par total diferite. De fapt ele sunt aproape identice. Diferenta este aceea ca armele cu care sclavul secolelor trecute era amenintat pentru a i se subtiliza munca au fost inlocuite de manipulare si minciuni gogonate. Abia cand aceste noi „arme” se dovedesc a fi ineficiente se poate face o „regresie” la „convingerea” sclavilor cu forta armelor ca trebuie sa se supuna.

Evident ca sclavul clasic a disparut in general si abia traficantii de forta de munca mai abuzeaza de aceasta forma clasica de sclavie. Insa daca sclavii moderni au alt regim asta nu insemna nici pe departe ca ar fi disparut ci doar ca s-a modificat. Schimbarea in cauza este doar una formala de multe ori.

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