19 decembrie 2009

Education: another basic tool (among legislation) of social discrimination

Following the tendencies of ancient slaves that weaken the roman empire from the inside the late classical slaves of 17,18,19 and even 20 centuries raised up violently and won some battles against the masters. Since then the older theory of “divine right” who said that the slaves and the masters are made by god were not only rejected but really eradicated from the knowledge of common people. The fact of aristocratic stealing from the poor and weaken with the violence threaten that was made in the classical edge was more and more perceived as a bad thing. The fear of a new violent revolt of slaves this theory was hided under the well-known classical slavery abolition. But that does not mean that the slavery in its essence really disappeared but it has only changed a little bit, just like the ancient temples transformed into Christian churches.

The difference between overcalled civilized society and the classical one is the power of contemporary slave to simply quit a job when the productivity pressings becomes unbearable and the so-called jobs made for old aristocrats successors that play working and being productive. But the actual jobs that really create something for community are the hard ones of slaves. These jobs are absolute necessary for the system, are indispensable. Those made for cover up and to save the old aristocracy are dispensable, secondary because the community can survive (happily) without them. They are jobs only by the name but not by the facts. They are special, well paid and very commode as the aristocratic way of life is. This macrosocial strategy consolidates the illusion of equality of chances for everyone and the legislative state that the system creates for preventing raisings up. But beyond these empty words remains the fact that the old aristocracy survives through these so-called jobs that are very well paid and very easy to do. I will describe with more details in one of my next entries these kinds of jobs. For keeping these jobs for some people only there is legislation used with its natural discriminatory application. For early selection of those who (still) have to do some works and for long time convincing them to do it there are used state education.

Educatia: un alt instrument fundamental al discriminarii sociale alaturi de legislatie

Urmand exemplul revoltei sclavilor antici care a subrezit din interior imperiul roman sclavii mai recenti chiar au reusit victorii decisive si foarte violente asupra stapanilor. De vreo cateva sute de ani in civilizatia occidentala mai vechea teorie a dreptului divin dupa care unii sunt meniti sa fie stapani si altii sa fie sclavi nu numai ca nu mai este acceptata dar a ajuns chiar sa nu mai fie rostita fiind pur si simplu aproape eradicata. In societatea contemporana faptul ca unii iau de la altii doar cu ajutorul amenintarii armelor nu mai pare un lucru corect asa cum parea in secolele trecute. De frica unei noi revolte violente o astfel de teorie a fost pur si simplu ascunsa sub celebra deja abolire a sclaviei. Asta nu inseamna evident ca sclavia a disparut in esenta ei asa cum voi arata intr-unul dintre articolele urmatoare ci doar ca s-a transformat putin, cam la fel cum templele antice s-au transformat in biserici crestine.

Diferenta dintre societatea clasica si cea „civilizata” contemporana este aceea ca sclavul isi poate da demisia din jobul sau atunci cand presiunile de productivitate devin insuportabile si ca vechii aristocrati se prefac ca mai fac si ei cate ceva in societate pentru a nu da impresia ca unii isi distrug sanatatea muncind iar altii huzuresc. Insa locuri de munca propriuzise sunt doar cele ale sclavilor pentru ca doar ele produc efectiv ceva si prin ele se munceste. Acestea sunt joburi indispensabile. Cele facute pentru a camufla clasa vechii aristocratii sunt dispensabile, secundare, sistemul poate functiona (chiar fericit) ca intreg si fara ele. Ele sunt „locuri de munca” doar cu numele. Ele sunt speciale, bine platite si putin stresante specifice stilului de viata al vechii aristocratii. Existenta acestor presupuse „locuri de munca” este facuta doar pentru a da cumva impresia ca societatea e dreapta si ca il rasplateste pe fiecare dupa propria valoare. Intr-unul dintre articolele viitoare am sa descriu in detaliu aceste „joburi. Pentru ca aceste joburi sa ramana doar ale unora se foloseste legislatia cu functia ei discriminatorie asa cum am aratat aici. Pentru selectarea inca de timpuriu a celor care (inca) trebuie sa presteze aceste joburi se foloseste educatia de stat.

1 decembrie 2009

The evolution of concepts of destiny and chaos in the shade of slave social statute

The ancient polytheism believed that gods, citizens (free people), slaves or animals belong to absolute separate ontological layers. The concept of destiny was the center of ancient religions and philosophies social functions. The society was generally accepted as a discriminatory one. Running from destiny would be impossible even for gods. It was Sisif who tried something like this but he finally ended with a vulture that was systematically eaten his liver. Such a metaphor has the power to show what could happen to the slave if refuses the destiny of being slave. But since 2000 years ago something changed and slaves begun to kill theirselves starting with cultural figures like Jesus or Spartakus. This kind of behavior was not good for others business*. If the selfmurderers would be just 2 than everything would be fine, everything would stay in the limits of favorable statistics. But these two spread out unprofitable ideas among the slaves and soldiers also.

From this point on the ancient religions theory of destiny was replaced with the one of free will of Christianity. The Christian philosophers strongly argued against the destine theory but that does not mean that humanity escaped from the destiny. The main difference was that starting with the Christianity it was a sin to have slaves as the ancient mentality accepted it with no doubts. But the problem remained because the slaves work was still needed to build up the civilization. Anyway, though Christianity couldn’t totally give up the theory of destiny still it was a better offer for the ancient slave because of the chance given to the hazard, to the free will. It wasn’t much gain but it was more than nothing. If the ancient slave has got used (or not) with the idea that he will be no more than a slave till the end of time, on the contrary, the Christian slave has got used with the hope of liberation and salvation. At least the Christian slave was not killed anymore if refused to work and just let alone to pray in the church or monastery and in this way simply used to spread out “the teachings” like “give the Cesar what belongs to Cesar”.