6 ianuarie 2012

Freedom, equality and fraternity in psychoanalysis

First it should be said that the term "equality" although has a long and dense history still has a metaphorical shape. We know that even that twins who resemble each other more than they resemble themselves [:)] are not equal, one is usually faster than the other. This metaphor has political flavor and involves the Western society’s need for liberation from classic slavery. Granting artificial divine or extrahuman value to aristocracy or regality automatically implies the same artificial withdrawal of slave’s human value. In this case there is a negative compensation involved.

Meanwhile the classic slavery was replaced by the industrial or corporate slavery and the mixture of liberty with slavery led to the explosion of mental disorders (depressive generally) especially in the second half of the twentieth century, which continues to beginning of the 21st. I saw written at one time on a shirt “Liberté, égalité, desolé” ... The ideals of “liberty equality and fraternity” were replaced by the rhetoric of impossibility of existence neither equality, because people are different, nor freedom, because we are affected by the organic / psychological laws, and nor brotherhood because we are not all born by the same mother. I used the term “rhetoric” because these realities have become instruments to promote new slavery by the contemporary rule of law society. Since there is no absolute freedom that is a reason for the new slave owners to create a restrictive legal framework or social system that increasingly looks more to police state than open society. All of these can be justified in the name of no absolute ontological freedom. But when it comes to justify their colonial impulses (like the invasion of Iraq or Vietnam) the new slavery social systems emphasizes the very gift of freedom given to citizens that they liberated from the “tyranny”. Here is how this dialectic of meaning is used in each of the two exclusive versions depending on the politicians’ short time interests as usual. Instead of old fashioned gas used by Saddam Hussein to crush the revolt the rule of law uses delicate gas specific to police forces specific to ... Western democracy meantime implemented in Iraq. In this case and in all cases of emancipation (including the famous 19th century American antislavery war between north and south) we are dealing with replacing the classical slavery with the modern slavery.

From my point of view the slavery is the origin of mental disorders and, equally, stopping slavery will stop mental disorders aggravation (although not immediately but in time over generations). For me the mental disorder is a mixingof peripheral pulsional / behaviors / reactions / feelings / that belong to either of two different cultures or to two different environmental or social realities. The dose of political freedom obtained by contemporary individual mixed with corporatism masked slavery man causes mental disorder. The sexuality that Freud observed (excessively enlarged concept) as both hiperenergetic and inhibited by the neuroses (sublimated in symptoms or in everyday life psychopathology) is the very expression of this type of socio-environmental-cultural mixture. Mimicking a high life (or high class) but the actual living in harsh realities of slavery is generally sign of mental disorder. The solution for mental disorder moderation is not psychoanalysis, but the very cancellation of slavery. Psychoanalysis can solve only some superficial psychical conflicts.

The true cure of contemporary individual mental disorders needs both time for healing and also the cancellation of the factors that cause the injury. These factors are brief review above. The rules of the classical psychoanalysis are limited to the contemporary mentality of rejecting slavery but still denial its existence today and restricting the “slavery” term to the classical slavery only. However, this rejection is only a formal one, related to the traditional humanism pressures. But, under the exact model of sublimation, the hidden newslavery works quietly as a cancer under the mask of open society pure principles and participatory democracy. In other words, if the primitive survives in the modern, than certainly the feudal is still very active in it.

Therefore, for me the essence of psychopathological “cure” does not rely (any more) in individual therapy but in the whole social therapy. I’m not saying that individual therapy would be totally unnecessary but it is far from providing what seemed to provide by the Freud’s words: the “consciousness”, i.e. passing the representations (which can not be separated neither by affect nor by pulsion) from socalled register of unconscious eternity to the conscious temporality is just a metaphor. This metaphorical conception has no coverage in any facts since any psychological content crystallizes over time and loses its plasticity by becoming pulsion. The “plasticity of instinct" that Freud and psychoanalysis talked about is just a crystallization of such peripheral mental contents inside the body of instinctual pulsion. The psychoanalysis can not any longer change such content as the board is not necessary after the concrete has hardened.

If we pay close attention to it, the psychoanalysis has “settled” only the tip of the iceberg of the mental disorder inspite of its spectacular therapeutic at the early 20th century (which since then kind of became obsolete to put it on the right). No neurotic was completely “cured” in the true sense of the word. Many have (re) converted into... depressive. On the same note we can say that those who were “reborn” later were converted into manic ... becoming ardent apostles of a new religion. It is an evolution for the better indeed but not so great as psychoanalysts have presented it.

Classical (nowadays) psychoanalysis somehow reflects this ambivalent reality. When the slave comes to analysis (no matter if it is more emancipated since can afford such a fad) seeks for the limits of her or his freedom. The patient sees the analyst as its owner and negotiates with him or her that symbolic freedom that can not take on its own, because that was the education for thousands of years. It is said “the analyst can not give up its authority”. Indeed, the analyst can not give up its authority because he actually assumes this authority, it transforms into the traditional master figure that provides gratification for its slave. For many slaves the releasing of their children could be done by a sex affair or any kind of affair with the master. This transgenerational psychic crystallized social reality is repeated in side the analysis. Giving the freedom to enjoy the sexual desire or reliving early childhood enjoying motherhood, the psychoanalyst is for the patient that master who gives life and a certain level of freedom to the slave. “You may” and “You may not” are key phrases that the confused patient finds its peace nesting at the analyst’s breast milk transforming it from indifferent and cold into tolerant, kind and attentive to his needs and feelings.

The patient-analyst relationship is an ideal form of slavery because repeats at a certain micro-level the relationship between rulers and ruled. It is ideal because the analyst is probably the most human of all political leaders; no one gets out worse that was before from psychoanalysis cure. Psychoanalytic cure improves more or less well but any relationship with a (non psychoanalyst) leader will sooner or later turn into psychological erosion and increase of ruled specific psychopathological structure. But it is this slavery mentality prison makes the classical psychoanalysis and its typical frame rules a kind of political limited activity. Obviously, in this case, the classical psychoanalysis itself is caught in a vicious circle: it takes on a symbolic level the relationship between master and slave that is exactly what makes the slave to fall into psychopathological despair. It is like one treats alcoholism disease with a little drink or the drug addiction with daily dose of drug. The healing time seems.

Through its political docility the psychoanalysis itself agrees that state of political ambivalence because it can not see beyond the walls of the cave slave mentality. And the role of leader-ruled frame is just the level of limitation to this mentality. It is still in the ghetto. Classic psychoanalysis does not understand that it has the chance to become the most important institution in a future society in which the slavery (including that of today masked by the rule of law and democracy lies) would be totally eradicated. For now it can not accept the “equality” since it actually needs slavery system for to send victims to rags. It is dependent on slave mentality. In a world without any slavery a lot of elements of the psychoanalytical classical frame will spray. The analyst-patient discrimination is one of them.

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