29 martie 2010 The war: the most profitable business


 The automatist society manifesto The war: the most profitable business

Varianta in limba romana

This article continues the previous one 

(This article was written in 2011, and then absorbed into a larger paperwork)

Civilization has been built with the war. Basically some armies conquered and pillaged some primitive communities and have turned its members into slaves. Slaves were forced to work, to produce goods required for living, food or labor to build castles and cathedrals. That is civilization! Looks really revolting that our wonderful contemporary world has so garbage at its base but the most outrageous is that this rubbish is still part of it.

State constitutions and their official ideologies claim some absolutely empty formulas designed only to shape up an image, to create servants false illusions and to keep them serve on. Among many such bullshits I mainly notice no content words like "national unity" or "national unitary state." As broken from the Hegel’s anesthetic philosophy these formulas gives the false impression that between servant and master is the same relationship of cooperation as between members of a sport team.

But any national state has a capital developed around the lord / king palace and a province that includes primitive community systematically abused and exploited under the threat of military troops. The relationship between lord and slave is that of theft. Such crime is beautifully embellished with the institutions and the idea of nation is one of those modern myths designed to mend up an inhumane practice. Razboiul: cea mai profitabila afacere

(Acest articol a fost scris in 2010, dar apoi a fost absorbit intr-un text mai amplu) Razboiul: cea mai profitabila afacere

Civilizatia s-a construit cu razboiul. In speta niste armate au cucerit si au jefuit niste comunitati primitive si i-au transformat pe membrii ei in sclavi. Sclavii au fost pusi la munca, au produs bunuri necesare traiului, hrana, au construit castele si catedrale. Asta este civilizatia! Pare cu adevarat revoltator ca lumea noastra minunata de astazi are atatea gunoaie la baza insa si mai revoltator este ca aceste gunoaie fac inca parte integranta din ea.

Constitutiile statelor si ideologiile lor oficiale sustin cateva formule absolut goale de continut menite doar sa formeze o imagine, sa creeze iluzii servitorilor pentru a servi in continuare. Dintre multe astfel de cretinisme remarc in principal „unitatea nationala” sau „statul national unitar”. Rupte parca din filosofia anestezianta a lui Hegel, aceste formule lasa falsa impresie cum ca intre servitor si stapan ar exista o relatie de cooperare la fel cum exista intre membrii unei echipe sportive.

Si totusi orice stat national are o capitala care se concentreaza in jurul palatului seniorului /monarhului si o provincie care presupune comunitatea primitiva abuzata militar si exploatata sistematic sub amenintarea armatelor. Relatia dintre senior si sclav este una de furt. O astfel de crima este frumos cosmetizata cu ajutorul institutiilor iar ideea de natiune este unul dintre aceste mituri contemporane menite sa carpeasca o realitate inumana.