15 decembrie 2016

1.7. Libertatea, stima de sine si marginalizarea

Manifestul societăţii automatiste  

  1.7. Libertatea, stima de sine si marginalizarea

Acest articol se continua de aici

Am vazut in precedentele articole ca intre executantul modern de ordine si sclavul clasic exista asemanari foarte mari precum neplata conform pietei a muncii prestate, anularea sau hartuirea dreptului la hrana sau locuinta, sau cultivarea artificiala a traumatismelor in mediul social sau natural. Am sa fac un scurt rezumat al lor dupa cum urmeaza:

Contractul si recompensele. Sclavul clasic nu primea o plata diferentiata si directionata pentru munca prestata si nu lucra conform unui contract, ci conform amenintarilor. Executantul modern de ordine presteaza o activitate prestabilita in urma unui contract, in urma caruia beneficiarul se obliga sa ii returneze un anumit favor. Chiar daca acest contract nu are forma juridica expresa, el se subintelege in momentul in care angajatorul ofera plata pentru angajat. El primeste o recompensa specifica pentru o munca sau un serviciu facut in plus beneficiarului sau. Totusi, de multe ori plata sau recompensa nu reflecta valoarea muncii prestate, dupa cum am aratat aici .

Dreptul la hrana si locuinta. In sclavia clasica hrana sau locuinta nu apartineau deloc sclavului. In ciuda imoralitatii sclaviei clasice, totusi stapanul clasic ii oferea sclavului aceste doua drepturi foarte importante pe care societatea civilizata nu le garanteaza. Acel stapan care nu le oferea risca sa aiba sclavi ineficienti. Pedepsele aplicate in cazul sclavilor subnutriti sau bolnavi nu conduc la sporirea productivitatii. Un stapan bun stia ca oferirea acestor drepturi sclavilor se regaseste in productie. Ele erau garantia propriului profit. Spre deosebire de sclavul clasic, executantul modern de ordine isi poate alege hrana sau locuinta care pot deveni proprietate temporara alaturi de alte bunuri, dar ele nu sunt garantate, dupa cum am vazut in acest articol . Societatea moderna nu mai pedepseste refuzul de executare de ordine, insa nici nu mai garanteaza aceste doua drepturi fundamentale.

Pedepsele. Sclavul clasic era amenintat cu traumatismele directe venite de la stapan. Dimpotriva, executantul modern de ordine este amenintat indirect prin numeroasele razboaie pe care civilizatia moderna le creeaza si intretine. Amenintarile directe din societatea moderna adresate executantului modern de ordine sunt minore si normale pentru o societate primitiva sau clasica. Insa acesta le interpreteaza paranoid pe cele indirecte ca fiind adresate propriei persoane. Din pacate sistemul social modern a invatat sa cultive sistematic aceste amenintari indirecte care, in cele din urma, conduc la cresterea productivitatii la fel ca si amenintarile directe din sclavia clasica, dupa cum am aratat aici.

Mai departe, in acest articol am sa descriu alte trei criterii importante de asemanari si diferentieri intre cele doua statute sociale, criterii ce deriva din cele deja enumerate. Acestea sunt libertatea, marginalizarea si stima de sine.

Libertatea. Executantul modern de ordine se mai deosebeste de sclavul clasic si prin faptul ca are libertate de demisie si circulatie. Intr-adevar, in privinta intentiei de a parasi locul de munca, intre cele doua statute sociale exista diferentieri nete. Libertatea data executantului modern de ordine este un lucru foarte important insa ea nu este nici pe departe cea declarata oficial.

Libertatea de miscare si alegere a profesiei sunt cele mai importante drepturi pe care executantul modern de ordine le are fata de cele ale sclavului clasic. Totusi, in ciuda acordarii acestor libertati superioare, din pacate nici un stat civilizat contemporan nu acorda o adevarata libertate politica pentru cetatenii sai din clasele de jos. Asa ceva ar insemna stoparea presiunilor venite din partea claselor sociale servite pentru clasele sociale servitoare. Din aceasta cauza tema libertatii este inca una viu disputata in gandirea contemporana. Intre timp ea s-a extins cu mult in afara politologiei dintr-o nevoie de inselaciune ideologica specifica argumentului lui Aristotel pentru justificarea sclaviei. El spunea ca sclavul aduce libertate in plus omului liber si asta ar fi de ajuns pentru justificarea restrangerii libertatii sale. Dar, daca ne uitam cu atentie la acest argument, vom vedea ca aceasta este o justificare naturii salbatice, cu pestele mai mare care il mananca pe cel mai mic, si nu una civilizat morala. Cu acest argument, practic orice crima ar putea fi justificata, deoarece ea aduce unele avantaje pentru autorii lor in schimbul restrictionarii libertatii victimei.

Extinderea temei libertatii in afara politologiei are menirea de a justifica sclavia prin prisma ontologiei si nu a opresiunii politice. Observam aici un abil subterfugiu de arunca vina crimei sclavagiste pe modul in care e construit universul si nu pe viciul iresponsabil al unei oligarhii corupte. Am sa revin la aceasta tema in articolele urmatoare pentru ca ea are radacini inimaginabil de adanci in istoria filosofiei. Deocamdata pot remarca abuzul asupra libertatii executantului modern de ordine nu pe criterii de protectie a mediului sau pentru ca ar abuza libertatea altora, ci pentru ca aceasta restrangere este folosita la sporirea libertatii celor care ordona, la fel ca in sclavia clasica. Dupa cum se aude in celebra melodie „Vrem sufletul tau”, libertatea ta ca om simplu este libertatea de a face ceea ce altii cer de la tine.


Pretentia autoritatilor ca executantii moderni de ordine ar face de buna voie si nesiliti de nimeni respectivele munci, este o mare gogorita atata timp cat mediul lor social si natural sunt grosolan manipulate inspre a deveni traumatice. Argumentul muncii „de buna voie” cu care executantul modern de ordine e diferentiat de sclavul clasic ce era obligat sa presteze munca in cauza nu este deloc convingator in conditiile in care o mare parte din oamenii moderni isi detesta munca. La fel sclavii clasici o faceau candva. Acesta este printre cele mai importante criteriu al sclaviei, fie ea clasica fie moderna, camuflata in relatii liber consimtite.

Daca executantul modern de ordine accepta pana la urma sa se supuna ordinelor nu este in nici un caz pentru ca asa doreste cu adevarat, ci pentru ca simte ca amenintarile vor continua pana l-ar face in cele din urma sa se supuna. Unii rezista acestor amenintari continue, dar cei mai multi cedeaza. Stramosii lor au cedat si au fost lasati in viata. Din aceasta cauza este foarte probabil ca majoritatea descendentilor sa faca acelasi lucru.

In acest caz este vorba doar de o ascundere a surselor traumatismelor prin interpunerea unor distractori intre stapanul traumatic si sclavii care executa comenzile. Putem doar sa-i numim liberi sa-si dea demisia, dar nu-i putem numi cu adevarat liberi atata timp cat sunt incoltiti de aceste institutii de convingere prin recompensa si represiune (manipulati) sa faca lucruri pe care in mod normal nu le-ar face. In aceste conditii se risipeste ideea cum ca in societatea moderna fiecare este liber sa faca sau nu un lucru. O analiza lucida ne obliga sa vedem sclavia dincolo de limitele sale clasice cu care am fost obisnuiti.

Argumentele privind existenta libertatii aduc exemple de libertate a membrilor claselor de sus. Ea este reala in prezent pentru varful piramidei sociale la fel cum a fost de reala si in trecut. De fapt ea este sustinuta de sclavie, ca rupere a unei parti din libertatea sclavilor si adaugarea ei la cea a stapanilor. Asa ca libertatea celor aflati la baza societatii, chiar daca este mai mare ca a sclavilor clasici, ea este totusi inca restrictionata politic dupa cum era si in trecut. Voi detalia in urmatoarele articole mecanismul presiunilor din partea anumitor institutii care contracareaza mult aceasta libertate mincinoasa oferita doar pe hartie executantului modern de ordine.

Marginalizarea si stima de sine. Din punctul de vedere al stimei de sine, putem vedea de asemenea asemanari uimitoare intre sclavii clasici si executantii moderni de ordine. Cultivarea acestor sentimente de joasa stima de sine se regaseste direct in profitul pe care angajatorul il imparte neuniform cu angajatul, dupa cum a spus Marx. Un angajat laudat e si unul bine platit sau platit conform cu o distributie echitabila a profitului obtinut de intreaga microcomunitate ce a participat la obtinerea lui. Dimpotriva, un angajat umilit va cere mai putine drepturi la aceasta impartire a profitului. Este foarte clar ca interesul angajatorului este sa aiba angajati cu slaba stima de sine pentru a obtine un profit cat mai mare. De aceea, in goana lor oarba dupa profit, corporatiile trag sforile sistemului social pentru a provoca frustrare si stima de sine scazuta acestor oameni, material brut al profitului lor.

Din nefericire, cultivarea acestor sentimente de joasa stima de sine se face inca din scoala. In ciuda vorbelor frumoase despre „nici un copil lasat in urma”, dupa absolvirea scolii multi se trezesc marginalizati intr-o lume nepasatoare. Obligativitatea scolarizarii ascunde de fapt aceasta intentie parsiva de a cultiva viitorilor executanti moderni de ordine sentimente de joasa stima de sine inca din frageda pruncie pentru ca apoi sa fie profitabili in schimbul recastigarii ei.

Marginalizarea sociala la care sunt condamnati cei aflati la baza piramidei sociale se regaseste apoi in agresivitatea pe care acesti oameni o pot indrepta catre exterior sau catre interior. Resentimentele antisociale pe care ei le dezvolta ne pot atinge pe fiecare dintre noi. Adevaratii vinovati pentru starea lor psihopatologica se ascund in masini blindate si in domenii pazite de armate intregi. Apoi, din pacate, voi arata in articolele ulterioare ca aceasta slaba stima de sine se transforma si in depresie in conditiile in care este foarte accentuata. Iar procentul incidentei depresiilor in societatea contemporana este pur si simplu coplesitor. Acest lucru trebuie sa ne faca sa ne gandim serios la ce facem cu specia umana si ce mostenire transmitem urmatoarelor generatii. Voi publica in viitor o serie de articole pe aceasta tema.

Iata ca asemanarile intre sclavii clasici si executantii moderni de ordine sunt mult mai mari decat deosebirile. Observam ca intre cele doua statute sociale exista mai curand continuitate decat revolutie. Dupa cum am tot mentionat in acest spatiu, ideea abolirii sclaviei cu turle si trambite pare mai curand o gogorita decat o realitate. In urmatorul articol voi face o scurta istorie a abolirii sclaviei clasice si transformarea ei in relatie de munca de liber schimb asa cum o stim astazi relativ la aceste asemanari intre statutul sclavului clasic si al executantului modern de ordine pe care le-am observat pana acum.

28 noiembrie 2016

1.6. The hidden brutal threats usage for increasing the productivity for contractual modern labor relations

The automatist society manifesto  

1.6. The hidden brutal threats usage for increasing the productivity for contractual modern labor relations

In the previous entry I compared the classical slavery brutal threats with the more subtle freely consented employment ones. In a future section I will get into details concerning the description of modern order taker refusal to obey such threats and its unproductive predisposition for insurrection. Therefore, despite the numerous attempts to put out the disobedient ones, eventually the classical slavery specific brutal threats were abandoned. The direct brutal death threats against individual remained still in today’s civilized society, but they are no longer caused by other people but by the nature itself. If one does not perform specific services to society then that person risks of not getting shelter and food back from it and therefore might get sick or even die. Nobody threatened that person with death in this case to become more productive. Simply this is the natural way of human being. The same thing happens without the existence of civilization: if one does not go for food or shelter in the wild then in the same that person could starve to death or freeze from lack of shelter.

But in addition to these small direct threats unfortunately the social system creates and maintains a set of indirect threats, more brutal than them. These actually repeat the brutal classical slavery threats. They are launched as in ether, without a specific target, like bait fishing. However, they are very psychologically active. In this trap are usually caught only those with high traumatic complex, those who were educated in a modest environment, according to rough education. Any kind of traumatic action has consequences in a persecutory paranoid psychopathological constitution, as reported by the numerous experiments that experimental psychology and sociology have provided. The modern servants interpret these threats to themselves because of their psychopathological constitution, according to the social environment and the genetic inheritance from their predecessors, the past epochs classical slaves.

These threats frighten the modern orders taker and block its desire to escape, as I detailed here , or here. I have described in the first article some amazing experiments made by experimental psychology. Several scientists * have used electrical and mechanical shocks in rats and monkeys. The result was an exponential increase in sexual behavior or the need for food. Applied to people, these odious methods lead to wide consumption increasing, which in fact means greater profit for the rulers of this world.

By pairing these conflicts with the secular traumatic experiences transgenerational transmitted from their ancestors (classical slaves), the modern servants are practically living the same anguish as it would be produced by a real trauma. For this reason they are almost impossible to prove in a court according to current justice system. The closer and more pointed these threats are to the employee the closer to classical slavery is this freely accepted employment relationship. This modern profit type folds like a glove on this specific justice form of contemporary era.

The indirect threatening actions are very detailed calculated after they were closely noticed and studied over time. Launching them on the media market is carefully planned by following the results observed long before in the production units. The increased productivity noticed in the US factories during the World War II was a turning point in what later became "human resources management". Since then, USA has specialized in initiating the "unnecessary" wars, thus becoming the twentieth century strongest economy country. Once given the slightest opportunity, USA immediately and constantly enter the in a war, or initiate one by itself to make peace (!!!).

Although it seems an unreasonable aggressiveness manifestation, the psychonomic logics of these warlike actions are reflected in a way too studied and very well developed economical plan. The news about American wars or from another part of the world are carefully selected by the news channels all over the world and thrown in the labor market as a net in which the emotionally fragile ones to be caught. The result is identical to the classical slavery direct threats: the productivity increasing. In contrast with classical slave, the modern order taker does not exactly know who to fight back against these threats. Is it the US President? Or is it the assaulted country President? Or are the various rebels that the media previously thrown the blame for initiating the war? The fact is that, having no counterattack solutions, the modern order taker prefers to get into the boss favors with the higher labor productivity. This is what was intended from the beginning. Simplifying a little the description, the situation is identical to a master who cynically beats his horse to run faster. From these social threats engineers benefits the entire “civilized world”.

Another example of the psychological trauma role in generating economic profit is that of postwar Germany. Its actual capital was devastated after the Second World War. But its potential capital that consisted in surviving citizens willing to work hard so to raise the country from ruins has made it quickly become an international economical power. But before that the whole civilized world pointed contemptuous finger towards the German nation for having supported the Nazi system. After the World War II the Germans were as “punishment worthy” as the ancient slave who was left a live by the master’s mercy. Basically, the postwar Germans have become classical slaves after they were stuck with the beasts image, worthy to be punished or even killed. If genuine classical slave was born with the idea that is a slave and could be killed at any time, this time the German worker was punished for wrong political decision that led to the Europe’s devastation. As experienced this international censure, the Germans tried to rebuild his image through a reconstruction effort. Hard working for 20 years that these people did under the international opprobrium pressure, was the price paid to recover their dignity as humans.

If the foreign policy provides various threats to citizens through military action, in terms of domestic politics these threats are provided by police and mafia gangs. For many it is a mystery that the US tolerates mafia gangs in American cities, but it is very intolerant with the ordinary citizen smallest disobedience signs. The US police rarely get involved in the scores settling among suburban mafia gangs. The system knows that these gangsters are out of social control can no longer convince anyone to obey orders. These gangsters are like Spartacus revolted slaves who rather die than continue living in slavery. So the police do not bother much to “order” them. And so the system is content for using these gangsters as indirect agents of terror against ordinary people, and thus it is making them productive through its productivity growth.

In opposite for tolerance towards gangsters, the American system has a special treatment to honest citizens. At the slightest defiance sign the American cop take out its gun and asks for hands in the air or for lying down on the ground, just like in the war. Such an experience is enough traumatic to be remembered for life. If the citizen defiance continues then the policeman kills it with gunshots, under the pretext of fearing for own life. This is a typical slave overseer’s behavior. When the modern social system bully the respectable citizen on the street, and even threaten that person with death at the slightest social rules violation, basically it restores classical social system slavery penalty scheme.

In fact, the general police main role, and the US police in particular, is the disobedient servants’ elimination and threats perpetuation to those still obedient, with visible results in increased productivity. Here’s how the US was able to convert such disadvantage into an advantage. The street mafioso that requires tax protection directly from the honest citizen is an unofficial soldier or police officer. The tolerance towards that thief is actually a payment that the US social system tacitly accepts and each negotiates it directly with the victim. The ordinary people often prefer to pay protection fee rather than seek help from police, according to its stated official role in society. That's because the policemen called for help could be aggressive towards the victim itself. The video below was inspired by the experience.

Warning! Shocking video

The mafia gangs’ abuses against common people are used for the slavery interest of cultivation the hidden threats with a crucial role in the overall economy productivity. The street violence in the "democratic" Western social space is actually the police state violence correspondent from dictatorships. So in the “civilized world” we can talk about the violence privatization intended to submit the servant under the threats pressure. Thus that person becomes a violence agent, who revenges for this initial abuse to the weaker beings that can not fight back.

From here starts a violence and threats epidemic extended to all the social sectors. The assaulted student in the street, in the classroom or at home will have violent defensive impulses in frustration situations. So that person either would exclude oneself from such a “no child left behind” school or will simply be expelled because of its deviant behavior. Later, as adult, this person would prefer to enlist in the army than to find a normal social status. That is exactly what the authorities want from a person who might rebel in future under the productivity growth pressures. Full of frustration and resentment, such a psychical tortured person will want to work off its frustrations in a war and to obstinately seek violence. It will be the first to fill his heroic chest with air to pounce on any sign of enemy, as taken randomly. The social system artificially creates wars especially dedicated for him.

In psychodynamic terms any frustration means also terror. That happens because any frustration increases the psychical system inhibition level value according to the first psychodynamic law . To adjust this difference value and to psychodynamically balance the psychical system needs any mental satisfaction found in the proximal area. This is where the commercials lies enter, as that am analizat I pointed in detail here. Here’s how the over consumption is thus consolidated through this huge terror social apparatus. We remember from the previous article about the deception of the so-called “free trade relationship” that the modern order taker gets into. In these circumstances the differences between the classical slave and modern order taker orders are much smaller than they appear. The compulsive need to shop useless items involves more work to obtain money for. And that was the very goal from the beginning. In the next entry I will analyze other parallels between the classical slave and modern order taker.

Hinde, Robert A. - "Animal Behaviour: A Synthesis of Ethology and Comparative Psychology" New York:
Miller, N. E. (1960). - „Learning resistance to pain and fear: Effects of overlearning, exposure, and rewarded exposure in context”. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60(3), 137-145.

31 octombrie 2016

1.6. Utilizarea camuflata a amenintarilor brutale pentru cresterea productivitatii in cazul relatiilor moderne de munca liber consimtita

Manifestul societăţii automatiste  

1.6. Utilizarea camuflata a amenintarilor brutale pentru cresterea productivitatii in cazul relatiilor moderne de munca liber consimtita

Acest articol se continua de aici

In articolul anterior faceam o comparatie intre amenintarile brutale ale sclaviei clasice si cele mai subtile ale relatiei de munca liber consimtita. Una din sectiunile urmatoare este dedicata descrierii refuzului executantului modern de ordine de a se supune unor astfel de amenintari si predispozitia sa neproductiva pentru rascoala. De aceea, in ciuda numeroaselor incercari de a-i elimina pe neobedienti, in cele din urma amenintarile brutale specifice sclaviei clasice au fost abandonate. Amenintarile brutale directe cu moartea la adresa individului au ramas, insa in cazul societatii civilizate actuale ele nu mai sunt cauzate de alti oameni ci de natura insasi. Daca nu faci un serviciu societatii atunci risti sa nu primesti adapost si hrana si sa te imbolnavesti sau chiar sa mori. Nimeni nu te-a amenintat cu moartea in acest caz pentru a devin mai productiv. Pur si simplu acesta este modul natural de a fi al fiintei umane. Acelasi lucru se intampla si fara existenta civilizatiei: daca nu mergi sa cauti mancare sau adapost in salbaticie atunci poti in acelasi fel muri de foame sau de frig din cauza lipsei de adapost.

Dar, pe langa aceste amenintari directe usoare, din pacate sistemul social creeaza si intretine un set de amenintari indirecte, mult mai brutale decat ele. Acestea practic repeta amenintarile brutale ale sclaviei clasice. Ele sunt lansate ca intr-un eter, fara o tinta anume, la fel ca si pescuitul cu momeala. Cu toate acestea, ele sunt foarte active din punct de vedere psihologic. Se prind in aceasta capcana doar cei cu un complex traumatic ridicat, cei care au fost educati intr-un mediu modest, conform educatiei salbatice. Orice fel de actiune traumatica are consecinte intr-o constitutie psihopatologica paranoida de forma persecutorie, dupa cum au aratat numeroase experimente consemnate de psihologia experimentala si sociologie. Avand o constitutie psihopatologica, conform mediului social si a mostenirii genetice de la predecesorii lor, respectiv sclavii clasici din epocile trecute, servitorul modern interpreteaza aceste amenintari la adresa sa insasi.

Aceste amenintari il sperie pe muncitor si ii blocheaza dorinta de a evada, dupa cum am detaliat aici , sau aici. Am descris in primul articol legat experimente uluitoare facuta de psihologia experimentala. Mai multi savanti* au administrat socuri electrice si mecanice la sobolani si maimute. Rezultatul a fost o crestere exponentiala a comportamentului sexual sau a nevoii de hrana. Aplicate oamenilor, aceste metode odioase conduc la cresterea consumului in general, ceea ce inseamna de fapt un profit mai mare pentru conducatorii acestei lumi. Diferenta dintre experiemntele razboinice indirecte specifice civilizatiei contemporane si socurile experimentate pe animale este ca ele nu se aplica direct la oameni ci indirect, prin intermediul mass-media, si mediate de perceptia umana.

Asociind aceste conflicte cu experientele traumatice seculare transmise transgenerational de la stramosii sai (sclavi clasici), servitorul modern practic traieste aceeasi angoasa ca si cum ar fi produsa de o trauma reala. Din acest motiv ele sunt aproape imposibil de dovedit intr-un tribunal conform sistemului judiciar actual. Cu cat aceste amenintari sunt mai aproape si mai directionate catre angajat cu atat relatia de munca liber consimtita e mai aproape de sclavia clasica. Acest tip de profit modern se pliaza ca o manusa pe aceasta forma a justitiei specifica epocii contemporane.

Actiunile care ameninta indirect sunt foarte detaliat calculate, dupa ce s-au monitorizat in timp. Lansarea lor pe piata media se face planificat in urma rezultatelor observate cu mult inainte in unitatile de productie. Productivitatea crescuta constatata in fabricile americane in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial a fost un moment critic in ceea ce a devenit ulterior „managementul resurselor umane”. De atunci SUA s-au specializat in initierea razboaielor „inutile”, devenind astfel tara cu cea mai puternica economie in secolul al XX-lea. Odata ce li se iveste cea mai mica oportunitate, SUA fie intra imediat in mod constant intr-un razboi, fie initiaza unul de la sine pentru a face pace (!!!).

Desi pare o manifestare gratuita a agresivitatii, logica psihonomica a acestor actiuni razboinice se desfasoara conform unui plan economic studiat si bine pus la punct. Stirile despre razboaiele americane sau de pe alta parte a lumii sunt atent selectate de canalele de stiri de peste tot in lume si aruncate pe piata de munca ca navod in care sa se prinda fragilii emotionali. Rezultatul este identic cu cel al amenintarilor directe din sclavia clasica: cresterea productivitatii. Spre deosebire de aceasta, executantul modern de ordine nu stie exact pe cine sa se razbune in urma acestor amenintari. Pe presedintele SUA? Sau pe presedintele tarii agresate? Sau pe diferiti rebeli pe care media arunca apoi vina initierii razboiului? Cert este ca, negasind solutii de contraatac, executantul modern de ordine prefera sa intre in gratiile sefului cu o productivitate mai mare. Ceea ce se urmarea de la inceput. Simplificand un pic descrierea, situatia este identica cu a unui stapan care isi bate calul cu cinism pentru a alerga mai repede. De pe urma acestor inginerii sociale beneficiaza intreaga „lume civilizata”.

Un alt exemplu al rolului traumatismului psihic in generarea de profit economic este cel al Germaniei postbelice. Dupa al doilea razboi mondial capitalul ei concret era devastat. Dar capitalul potential format din cetatenii ramasi in viata dispusi sa munceasca din greu pentru a ridica tara din ruine a facut ca ea sa devina rapid o putere economica. Inainte de asta toata lumea civilizata arata dispretuitor cu degetul catre natiunea germana pentru ca a sustinut sistemul nazist. Dupa al doilea razboi mondial nemtii erau la fel de „demni de pedeapsa” precum sclavul antic care fusese din mila lasat sa traiasca. Practic, cetatenii germani postbelici au devenit niste sclavi clasici, dupa ce s-au pricopsit cu imaginea de bestii, demne de a fi pedepsite sau chiar ucise. Daca sclavul clasic propriuzis era din nastere obisnuit cu ideea ca e sclav si ca ar putea fi oricand omorat, de data asta muncitorul german era pedepsit pentru ca a gresit in decizia politica care a condus la devastarea Europei. Resimtind acest blam international, nemtii au incercat sa-si refaca imaginea printr-un efort considerabil de reconstructie. Munca prestata timp de 20 de ani de acesti oameni supusi oprobriului international, a fost pretul platit pentru recuperarea demnitatii lor de oameni.

Daca politica externa furnizeaza amenintari asupra cetatenilor prin diferitele actiuni militare, in ceea ce priveste politica interna ele sunt furnizate de politie si bandele mafiote. Pentru multi este o enigma faptul ca SUA tolereaza bandele mafiote din metropolele americane, dar este foarte netoleranta cu cele mai mici semne de nesupunere ale cetateanului simplu. Politia SUA rareori se implica in reglarile de conturi dintre bandele mafiote suburbane. Sistemul stie ca acesti gangsteri au scapat de sub controlul social si nu-i mai poate convinge sa asculte de ordinele cuiva. Acesti gangsteri sunt ca sclavii revoltati ai lui Spartacus care prefera sa fie ucisi decat sa continue o viata in sclavie. Asa ca politistii nu se mai obosesc sa faca „ordine” in ceea ce ii priveste. Si astfel sistemul se multumeste in a-i folosi indirect pe post de agenti ai terorii fata de cetateanul simplu, si a-i face productivi prin intermediul cresterii productivitatii lui.

La polul opus fata de cazul gangsterilor, sistemul american are un tratament special fata de cetateanul onest. La cel mai mic semn de sfidare politistul american scoate arma si-i cere acestuia sa ridice mainile in aer sau sa se culce la pamant, ca in razboi. O astfel de experienta este una suficient de traumatica incat sa-i ramana potentialului servitor in minte pentru toata viata. Daca sfidarea cetateanului continua atunci politistul il ucide cu focuri de arma, sub pretextul temerii pentru propria viata. Acest comportament este unul de supraveghetori tipici de sclavi. In momentul in care intimideaza cetateanul respectabil pe strada, si il ameninta chiar cu moartea la cea mai mica incalcare a regulilor sociale, practic sistemul social modern el reface schema pedepsei sclaviei specifica sistemului social clasic.

De fapt rolul politiei in general, si a celei din SUA in special, este in principal de eliminare a servitorilor recalcitranti si de perpetuare a amenintarilor fata de cei inca obedienti, cu rezultate in cresterea productivitatii. Iata cum SUA a stiut sa converteasca un astfel de dezavantaj intr-un avantaj. Mafiotul de strada care cere taxa de protectie direct de la cetateanul onest este un soldat sau politist neoficial. Toleranta sistemului fata de el este de fapt o retributie pe care i-o accepta tacit si pe care fiecare si-o negociaza direct cu victima. De multe ori cetateanul simplu prefera sa plateasca taxa de protectie mai curand decat sa ceara ajutorul politiei, conform rolului ei declarat in societate. Asta pentru ca politistii chemati pentru ajutor pot deveni agresivi fata de victima insasi. Video-clip-ul de mai jos a fost inspirat din aceasta experienta .

Atentie! Imagini socante

Abuzurile bandelor mafiote fata de cetatean sunt folosite in scopul interesului sclavagist de cultivare a amenintarilor indirecte cu rol decisiv in productivitatea economiei generale. Violenta de strada din spatiul social „democratic” occidental este practic corespondentul violentei statului politienesc din dictaturi. Asa ca in „lumea civilizata” se poate vorbi astfel despre o privatizare a violentei menita sa supuna servitorul de rand sub presiunea amenintarilor. Astfel el devine un agent al violentei, razbunandu-se la randul sau pentru abuzul initial pe o fiinta mai slaba ce nu poate riposta.

De aici porneste o adevarata epidemie a violentei si amenintarilor extinsa in toate sectoarele sociale. Elevul agresat pe strada, in clasa sau chiar acasa va avea porniri violente de aparare in situatii de frustrare. Astfel, el fie se va exclude singur dintr-o astfel de scoala „deschisa tuturor”, fie va fi pur si simplu exmatriculat datorita comportamentului sau deviant. Ulterior, ajuns adult, el va prefera sa se inroleze in armata decat sa isi gaseasca un statut social normal. Asa ceva este exact ceea ce isi doresc autoritatile de la un individ care ar putea sa se revolte in viitor in fata presiunilor de crestere a productivitatii. Plin de frustrare si resentiment, un astfel de maltratat psihic va dori sa isi defuleze frustrarile intr-un razboi si va cauta cu obstinatie violenta. Va fi primul care isi va umple eroic pieptul cu aer pentru a se napusti asupra vreunui dusman oarecare, ales parca prin tragere la sorti. Razboaiele create artificial de catre sistem sunt dedicate special pentru el.

Din punct de vedere psihodinamic orice fel de frustrare inseamna si teroare. Pentru ca orice frustrare presupune o crestere a nivelului valorii de inhibitie a sistemului psihic conform legii intaia a sistemului psihodinamic. Pentru reglarea acestei diferente valorice si echilibrarea psihodinamica, sistemul psihic are nevoie de satisfactie pe care o poate gasi in zona proxima. Aici intervin minciunile reclamelor despre care am analizat in detaliu aici. Iata cum supraconsumul este astfel consolidat cu ajutorul acestui urias aparat social al terorii! Ne aducem aminte din articolul precedent despre inselarea cu asanumitul „liber schimb” de care executantul modern de ordine are parte. In aceste conditii diferentele dintre sclavul clasic si executantul modern de ordine sunt mult mai mici decat par. Nevoia compulsiva de a cumpara obiecte inutile implica munca mai multa pentru obtinerea banilor pentru achizitionarea lor. Ceea ce se si urmarea de la inceput. In urmatorul articol voi analiza alte asemanari importante intre sclavul clasic si executantul modern de ordine.

* Bibliografie:
Hinde, Robert A. - "Animal Behaviour: A Synthesis of Ethology and Comparative Psychology" New York:
Miller, N. E. (1960). - „Learning resistance to pain and fear: Effects of overlearning, exposure, and rewarded exposure in context”. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60(3), 137-145.

30 septembrie 2016

1. 5. (2) The abuse to property through the direct threats (continued)

The automatist society manifesto  


1.5.(2) The abuse to property through the direct threats(continued)

This entry continues from here
Varianta in limba romana aici

These rights must be fundamental and non-negotiable in a society truly civilized. The very low wage for some community members, insufficient to ensure the basic needs, looks rather a beautifully thin civilization packaged society that still works under the typical slavery principles. These abuses are as dramatic and psychogenic as the right to life abuse used by the classical sequestration slavery. But the Article 25 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/, stipulates quite clearly these rights:

”1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

However, it is noticeable even here the faulty way in which these rights are declared. They should not be placed at the end but at the very beginning of this more or less important other rights. From my point of view, they should be placed immediately after the Article 3, which states that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. Without this right stipulated by the Article 25, the Article 3 becomes void, inapplicable, abstract, only on paper.

Many civilized countries (except on the North European), have homeless people. These people get their food from garbage, so we can deduce that this right is not assured. Moreover, many European countries and the US put spikes are under bridges to send off the homeless. This practice was originally used in China. So not only those rights provided by Article 25 are not applied in most arrogant democracies in the world; on the contrary, these "civilized countries" acts by predilection against these fundamental human rights imagined by the French Revolution emulation and perfected after the and the Second World War. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on 10 December 1948 by Resolution 217 A, in the third session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as you can see here (originally here).

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an essential guide in contemporary human relationships. Precisely this was taken into account when it was initiated, namely a real classical slavery abolition. Unfortunately, when it came to be put these ideal principles into practice, things have stalled. The historical slavery profiteers realized that these slaves given rights will attempt to their wasteful lifestyle that were accustomed to for many generations before. On the other hand, according to the repetition compulsion that I will discuss in detail in a later section, the slaves on their turn did not know to ask for their freedom. The Plato's cave myth is nowadays more actual than ever. Those who did not know to ask for these rights have remained in the dark. Only those who have loudly requested them eventually received them and were thus convinced to keep a low profile on activism. So the laws second level, namely the countries constitutions, ignores in a first step these 25 and 13 Articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason all those who work in those institutions that supposedly defend human rights are either hypocritical or naive.

According to Wikipedia , there are nine countries where the right to food is clearly written in their constitutions. They are Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, South Africa and Nepal. Unfortunately these countries are pretty famous for their constitutions "decorative" role, as their governments ignore in decisions making. The reality is that there no country that offer any of these rights, but as an individual you have to fight your own to obtain them.

The US Constitution does not provide for any regulation on guarantee concerning this right. The French Constitution says that "Each person has the duty to work and the right to employment". The Romanian Constitution says at Article 47 that

"(1) The State is obliged to take measures of economic growth and social protection, likely to provide a decent standard of living for its citizens."

One can see how this "fundamental right" is strongly stated only when the contemporary "civilization" wants to affirm its equity. But when it comes to these principles applicability, their spirit is diluted and fades away just like in the fog. The state is no longer obliged to follow these fundamental rights, but only to take action. That looks like wanting to convince us that the state (or, rather said, those who have the decisions power want) tried hard to pursue these general principles, but eventually failed. Moreover, their degree of degradation is almost total at the ordinary laws level (the 3-rd), after the constitution already had altered them in a second-level of application.

A ferocious slavery system infiltrated into the free trade relations is the North American one. It uses the abuse against the employee’s health (life) right by creating jobs that do not cover the medical insurance. Although the US has the most advanced health care system in the world, though it does not work for all who make contributions to society. The fear for not having the health insurance to cure the illness closes very much the US wage work relationship to the classical slavery that this country is famous for. Nothing is more odious than a social service system that extracts enthusiasm and health of the individual and then throws people out in the street to die like a dog when they get sick. Among that, throughout all the contemporary "civilized" society the surplus food is consistently destroyed. So there are empty houses. Some US farmers are paid to not produce. Not giving these goods to community members who desperately need them is a crime. Those who offer food to homelessness risk of being fined by the police or even jailed by the justice (!! ??), as shown in the following video.

Here's how the authorities persecute and arrest some people who not only have done nothing immoral, but for the very morality hardcore gestures, that defines the humanity civilized spirit. Noticing how the authorities behave in this case we can better understand the relationship between law and morality. So I think we can get a complete picture about what actually the wage slavery means in the US and around the world.

In today society, every middle class person can suddenly become homeless. This social class has secured the right to housing as long as it pays its mortgage. If any economic fluctuations comes up then that person is no longer able to pay it and all its comfort will be turned out to be a huge soap bubble, a typical cave myth illusion. The economical fluctuations are designed by social engineers according to a well premeditated deceiving plan through the overall money supply manipulating, as I have shown here . So that is what happened with Western economy since 2007, as the money supply withdrawal and the followed bankruptcies led to what was later misleadingly named "the US housing crisis". This formula is misleading because its intention was to hide the true origin of the crisis, namely monetary ebb. It was meant to shift the blame on behalf of brokers (see propaganda film "The Big Short", nominated for an Oscar in 2015) or on loan clients who would have consumed more than they could afford.

Of course, the very competitive North American economy can not function without this ferocious wage slavery. The spines under the bridges that send away the homeless are practices that make us think about the spears that the runaway slaves were hunting or recruited from the beginning. But I do not know how proud we can be about the high quality standards products diversity that surrounds us knowing that some of them are created throughout the mental affliction caused to others to make them meet our orders.

These fundamental rights affirmed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been called into question in the last century debates. After being settled by the humanists these rights have been almost in the same time withdrawn from those who had access to human society keys under several reasons. In a later section I will bring more counter reasons in the favor of these fundamental human rights fully recognition. For now, though, in the next section I will show how even these insufficient rights are further more impaired and attacked by the nowadays repressive social system.

18 august 2016

1.5. The abuse against property through the direct threats

The automatist society manifesto  


1.5. The abuse against property through the direct threats 1

This entry continues from here

Both classical slavery system and the contemporary social wage system constantly abuse fundamental and morally nonnegotiable properties that belong to its victims turned into servants. The abused person inconvenience is not itself a purpose but a way meant to persuade it to follow certain orders in exchange for its temporary suspension. These orders were given by those who in the past were called masters and who now call themselves employers, managers or leaders. If the servant follows these orders, then its fundamental and morally non-negotiable property is recognized. But if that person refuses to follow them, then its property is violated, abused. We note here decriminalization terminology of the new slavery: the idea lord almighty, copy (earthly) of God (or other gods) was replaced by the contractor to whom forgive the crimes of slavery in exchange for sharing with others profit off of the exploitation of labor servant.

In the classical slavery there were only two such fundamental and morally non-negotiable properties violated. The first one was the right to life and physical integrity and the other one was the slave right to any private property. The second one was never recognized. The first one was recognized only if the slave followed the orders. In the contemporary waged system these rights are somewhat formal and partially recognized for modern servants. But just like in traditional society, these rights remained totally recognized for those who are entitled to give orders.

Despite the multitude of objects that surround modern human being, there are 3 major fundamental and morally nonnegotiable properties that the social system breaks. The first one is the health itself, the second is the shelter and third one is the food. I will analyze them, one by one. The health is constantly attacked by contemporary pollution, both psychical and chemical. The mental pollution results from the stress negative influence on the human mind. The modern work stress is a camouflage for the classical slavery specific threats into the contemporary apparently free trade relations. The direct threats to life and to physical integrity specific classical slavery were replaced with the modern stress. We see here a classical slavery abuses hiding trick into the modern stress form but not a real ban for them. This concealing role is the protection for these threats origin. And the responsible for these abuses have been in the past and still are today, of course, the masters, the abuse profiteers. They "convince" both the classical slave and the modern order taker to follow orders, which is to obey and serve. The difference between the classical slavery threats and the modern stress consists of secondary factors interposition into the relationship between the one who gives orders and who executes them. These factors act as a shield for a possible rebellion of the abused ones against the profiteers.

As the classical slavery specific threats were involving the death penalty, in the same way the stress leads to death. The difference between the two types of threats lies in the death occurrence time. The classical threat put it into practice immediately while the stress death occurs in long-term. The camouflage worked perfectly: no one knows what stresses had in the past the deceased from a disease or another. Its family could not identify the one who is responsible for bugging the deceased in the past to pull it accountable for their loved one fatal disease. And the master went away with the profit. In contrast, during the classical slavery, the descendants or friends of the punished one (for fleeing from work or not working well enough) can keep in mind this crime and revenge sooner or later. The psychosomatic medicine has started to make the connection between stress and diseases such as cancer, diabetes, or heart attack. Unfortunately, in the last 50 years it was strangled from development once of being suspected for getting in the way of the new masters interests. Fortunately, it managed yet to tell about these things through its pioneers. This data could not be removed from science history, but the new masters took care to prevent as many potential servants to get to it, hiding it by the consumerist culture which promotes exactly the opposite values of what it affirms.

Then, the chemical pollution is involuntarily produced on the one hand by the various substances used to make foods more resistant to degradation, more attractive and more desirable. Some of them were banned when their unhealthy effects became so visible that ended up as press subjects. Unfortunately, there are many others with similar long-term effects, which are not perceivable just yet. For this reason they have not been enough studied. Of course they are almost impossible to identify at this time.

But, on the other hand, in countries with high slavery infiltrated free trade relations, the harmful substances are in purpose added in food. This poor people poisoning program is practiced in parallel with the medical system abolishment, as the oligarchs who controlled society in the former Communist bloc countries did after the 1990. Like all slavery practices, even this practice is not made by the diabolical malice, but in the spirit of corporate cynical specific detachment that originates in the well-known "nothing personal, just business" calm indifference attitude. The servant death is actually a loss, of course, that the profiteers know to avoid. Interest is not sick but the death of his addiction medical system. This dependency purpose consists in the later profit. The partial food poisoning practice is meant to addict the modern servant to the medical system. And this addiction involves the global economy gear recruitment.

There are few countries that allow the hospitalization of a person who has no medical insurance. It comes after getting a job in the social system and never with the independence in getting the basic needs. Once entered into this trap, the servant can get out of it only by paying the price of illness and death eventually. As threatened with death by disease, the new servant is actually in the same situation as the classical slave.

It is a fact that the medicine has enormously progressed in the last hundred years. The civilized individual life expectancy increased from the industrial era during the nineteenth century. But it is still low if compared to a traditional lifestyle. The longevity records belong just to those who were lucky enough not to be touched by the "civilization" malefic influence. The medicine was able to add some decades to the contemporary person age but this luxury is paid with servant 'stage' in its youth. I regret to notice that in this of contemporary profiteering dirty plan are involved, unwillingly and without most of them knowledge, those who provide the most moral to the society services, namely the physicians.

The fracking technology that uses water at huge pressure to break the rock and extract gas trapped inside is really fascinating. The same energy could have been more easily achieved through more simple technology, like capturing limitless seas and oceans waves’ energy. However, besides the gas, the hydraulic fracturing brings something more important: the pollution. It compels the natives to leave their traditional lifestyle and turn into city workers. In this way it brings much higher profit than the wave relatively cheap energy: the attack over the free people’s house and forcing to uprooting. Here we see here a new kind of colonialism in the true sense of the word, discreetly veiled by the interest in energy.

So here's how the death threat can be found in the profits made from so-called free trade relations. The abused person environment is initially negatively affected, which involves the inability to negotiate a fair free trade. Like the classical slave, the modern order taker has no choice but to accept those stressful, degrading or humiliating jobs that I discussed above.

Besides violating the health right, the modern slavery infiltrated in free trade relationships violate the right to decent housing and food. Like the classical slavery, there also exist radical differences between people in the case of the false free trade relationships. The bad health may be harder to detect with the naked eye. But the abuse against the right to decent housing and food is perhaps the most significant sign of slavery infiltration in the contractual labor relations. The direct threats with no food or not enough comfortable shelter so to make the modern servant more productive seem totally justified in a classical or primitive society. I will argue in a future entry that such a vision no longer accords with today’s automatic robotized society. This practice is as much odious as it is applied on honest people who diligently do their jobs.

All these are topped by the firing and throwing out in the street threat. Unfortunately, this is a common practice today for corporations in order to squeeze the last drops of profit out of people. Even in the most advanced social services Western countries, there are many cases of prolonged labor relations with various employers that do not provide decent food and shelter. A threatened by the chief worker with throwing out in the street, as not saved enough wealth to afford a longer or shorter temporary rest from this job, or a qualification in another field, is genuine wage slavery. Unfortunately, such a practice is the contemporary economy engine. It forces the individual free will to the servitude and slavery, just as the sequestration slavery death threat did in the classical period that I analyzed above.

This entry continues here:

30 iulie 2016

1.5.(2) (continuare) Abuzul asupra proprietatii prin amenintarile directe

Manifestul societăţii automatiste  


1.5.(2) Abuzul asupra proprietatii prin amenintarile directe (continuare)

English version here
Acest articol se continua de aici

Aceste drepturi trebuie sa fie fundamentale si nenegociabile intr-o societate cu adevarat civilizata. Salariul mic pentru o parte din membrii unei comunitati, insuficient pentru asigurarea nevoilor de baza arata mai curand o pojghita de civilizatie in care este ambalata frumos o societate ce functioneaza inca cu principiile tipice ale sclaviei. Aceste abuzuri sunt la fel de dramatice si de psihogene precum cel asupra dreptului la viata facut in perioada clasica de catre sclavia de sechestrare. Insa incalcarea acestor drepturi fundamentale in zilele noastre implica si acest abuz specific sclaviei clasice, respectiv cel asupra insusi dreptului la viata. Articolul 25 din carta drepturilor omului http://legislatie.resurse-pentru-democratie.org/legea/declaratia-universala-a-drepturilor-omului.php, sunt stipulate destul de clar aceste drepturi:

”Orice om are dreptul la un nivel de trai care sa-i asigure sanatatea si bunastarea lui si familiei sale, cuprinzand hrana, imbracamintea, locuinta, ingrijirea medicala, precum si serviciile sociale necesare”

Remarc insa si in acest caz modul defectuos in care sunt afirmate aceste drepturi. Ele nu trebuie plasate la sfarsitul ci chiar la inceputul acestui sir de drepturi mai mult sau mai putin importante. Din punctul meu de vedere ele trebuie plasate imediat dupa cel al articolului 3 care spune ca „Orice fiinta umana are dreptul la viata, la libertate si la securitatea persoanei sale.”. Fara acest drept stipulat de articolul 25, acest Articol 3 devine si el nul, inaplicabil, abstract, doar pe hartie.

In foarte multe dintre tarile civilizate (exceptand pe cele nord-europene), vedem multe persoane fara adapost. Acesti oameni isi iau hrana din gunoaie, deci putem deduce ca nici acest drept nu este asigurat. Mai mult decat atat, in multe tari Europene si SUA se pun tepi pe sub poduri pentru a alunga persoanele fara adapost . Aceasta practica a fost initial folosita in China. Asa ca nu doar ca aceste drepturi prevazute de articolul 25 nu sunt aplicate nici in cele mai ingamfate democratii din lume; dimpotriva, aceste „tari civilizate” chiar actioneaza cu predilectie impotriva acestor drepturi fundamentale ale omului recunoscute de emulatia Revolutiei Franceze si perfectate dupa cel de-al doilea razboi mondial. Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului a fost adoptata la 10 decembrie 1948, prin Rezolutia 217 A, in cadrul celei de-a treia sesiuni a Adunarii Generale a Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite, dupa cum se poate vedea aici (original aici ).

Carta drepturilor omului este un ghid esential in relatiile interumane contemporane. Tocmai acest lucru s-a avut in vedere in momentul in care ea a fost initiata, respectiv o reala abolire a sclaviei clasice. Din pacate atunci cand a venit vorba sa si fie puse in practica aceste principii ideale, lucrurile s-au impotmolit. Profitorii istorici de pe urma sclaviei si-au dat seama ca aceste drepturi acordate sclavilor le va intrerupe stilul lor de viata risipitor in care se obisnuisera de generatii. Pe de alta parte, conform compulsiei la repetitie, despre care voi discuta in amanunt intr-o sectiune ulterioara, nici sclavii nu au stiut sa-si ceara libertatea. Mitul pesterii de care vorbea Platon e mai actual ca niciodata. Cei care nu au stiut sa si le ceara au ramas in continuare in intuneric. Doar cei care au cerut aceste drepturi in gura mare le-au primit si au fost convinsi sa o lase mai moale cu activismul. Asa ca al doilea nivel al legilor, respectiv constitutiile statelor, ignora intr-un prim grad articolele 25 si 13 din Carta drepturilor omului. Din acest motiv toti cei care activeaza in institutii care, chipurile, apara drepturile omului, sunt fie ipocriti fie naivi.

Conform wikipedia, exista noua tari in care dreptul la hrana este clar scris in constitutie. Ele sunt Bolivia, Brazilia, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, Africa de Sud si Nepal. Din nefericire aceste state sunt cam vestite pentru caracterul „decorativ” al constitutiilor lor, neaplicabil de catre guvernele implicate in deciziile statelor respective. Realitatea este ca nici un stat nu iti ofera nimic din aceste drepturi, ci tu ca individ trebuie sa te lupti singur pentru a ti le asigura.

Constitutia SUA nu prevede nici un fel de reglementare privind garantarea acestui drept. In constitutia Frantei se mentioneaza ca „Fiecare persoana are obligatia de a munci si dreptul la loc de munca”. In Articolul 47 din Constitutia Romaniei se spune ca

„(1) Statul este obligat sa ia masuri de dezvoltare economica si de protectie sociala, de natura sa asigure cetatenilor un nivel de trai decent.”

Se poate vedea cum acest „drept fundamental” este afirmat cu tarie doar atunci cand „civilizatia” contemporana vrea sa isi afirme echitatea. Insa atunci cand se pune problema aplicabilitatii acestor principii, spiritul lor se dilueaza si se pierd ca in ceata. Statul nu mai este obligat sa urmeze aceste drepturi fundamentale, ci doar sa ia masuri. Adica ar vrea el (sau, mai bine spus, cei care au puterea sa o faca) sa ne convinga ca ar fi incercat sa nu se abata de la aceste principii generale. Mai mult decat atat, gradul de degradare a lor este aproape total la nivelul legilor ordinare (al treilea), dupa ce constitutia deja le alterase intr-un prim nivel spiritul.

Un sistem cu sclavie feroce infiltrata in relatiile de liber schimb de tip salarial este cel nord-american. Acesta se foloseste de abuzul asupra dreptului la sanatate (la viata) al angajatului prin crearea unor locuri de munca ce nu acopera asigurarea medicala. Desi SUA are cel mai performant sistem de sanatate din lume, totusi el nu functioneaza pentru toti cei care aduc contributii la dezvoltarea societatii. Frica de boala si de incapacitatea de a o trata din cauza lipsei de asigurari medicale face ca relatia de munca salariala in SUA sa fie foarte aproape de sclavia clasica, deja vestita pentru „ispravile” sale in aceasta tara. Nimic nu este mai odios decat un sistem de exploatare sociala care extrage entuziasmul si sanatatea din individ si care il lasa apoi sa moara ca un caine cand se imbolnaveste. In toata societatea contemporana „civilizata” surplusul de alimente este constant distrus. In aceeasi ordine de idei exista locuinte ce stau goale. In SUA unii fermieri sunt platiti sa nu produca. A nu oferi aceste bunuri membrilor comunitatii ce au nevoie acuta de ele este o crima. Cei ce ofera hrana persoanelor fara adapost risca de a fi amendati de politie sau chiar inchisi de justitie (!!??), dupa cum se vede in urmatorul video .

Iata cum sunt persecutati si arestati de autoritati niste oameni care nu doar ca nu fac nimic imoral, dar chiar fac niste gesturi esentialmente morale, definitorii pentru spiritul civilizat al umanitatii. Observand modul in care se comporta autoritatile in acest caz putem sa intelegem mai bine relatia dintre legislatie si morala. Astfel cred ca ne putem face si un tablou complet despre ce inseamna de fapt sclavia salariala in SUA si in intreaga lume.

In stadiul de persoana fara adapost poate ajunge si un membru al clasei de mijloc. Aceasta clasa are asigurat dreptul la locuinta doar atata timp cat isi plateste ratele la creditul imobiliar. Daca apar fluctuatii economice atunci el ajunge sa nu le mai poata plati si tot confortul lui se va fi dovedit ulterior a fi o imensa bula de sapun, o iluzie tipica pentru mitul pesterii. Iar fluctuatiile economice se fac de catre inginerii sociali conform unui foarte bine gandit plan de indobitocire prin manipularea generala a masei monetare, asa cum am aratat aici … http://baldovinconcept.blogspot.ro/2014/10/fluxul-si-refluxul-monetar-sau.html. Asa s-a intamplat cu economia occidentala incepand din 2007, unde retragerea de masa monetara si falimentele urmate au condus la ceea ce inselator s-a numit ulterior „criza imobiliara americana”. Aceasta formula este inselatoare pentru ca intentia ei a fost sa ascunda adevarata origine a crizei, respectiv insusi refluxul monetar care este principiul inselaciunii specific sclavagismului salarial. Ea a fost menita sa arunce vina pe seama brokerilor (vezi filmul de propaganda „The big short”, nominalizat la Oscar in 2015) sau clientilor de credite care ar fi consumat mai mult decat puteau sa isi permita.

Desigur, economia superperformanta nord-americana nu poate functiona fara aceasta sclavie salariala feroce. Tepile de pe sub poduri pentru a alunga persoanele fara adapost sunt practici care ne duc cu gandul la sulitele cu care se vanau sclavii fugari sau cu care se recrutau de la bun inceput. Nu stiu insa cat putem fi de mandri de penuria de produse cu standarde calitative inalte cu care ne inconjuram stiind ca unele dintre ele sunt create prin intermediul nenorocirii mentale provocate altora pentru a-i determina sa ne satisfaca ordinele.

Aceste drepturi fundamentale afirmate de Carta drepturilor omului au fost readuse in discutie in dezbaterile din ultimul secol. Dupa ce au fost consfintite de umanisti ele au fost aproape in acelasi moment retrase de cei care au avut acces la carmele societatii umane conform mai multor argumente. Intr-o sectiune urmatoare voi aduce mai multe argumente in favoarea recunoasterii totale ale acestor drepturi fundamentale ale omului. Deocamdata insa, voi arata in urmatoarea sectiune cum chiar si aceste drepturi insuficiente sunt pe mai departe atacate si stirbite de sistemul social represiv din zilele noastre.

29 iunie 2016

1.5. Abuzul asupra proprietatii prin amenintarile directe.

Manifestul societăţii automatiste  


1.5. Abuzul asupra proprietatii prin amenintarile directe

Acest articol este continuarea celui precedent

Atat sistemul sclavagist clasic cat si sistemul social salarial contemporan abuzeaza constant proprietati fundamentale si moralmente nenegociabile ale victimelor sale transformate in servitori. Disconfortul creat celui abuzat nu este scop in sine ci doar mijloc menit spre a-l convinge sa urmeze anumite ordine in schimbul suspendarii lui temporare. Aceste ordine erau date de cei ce in trecut se numeau stapani si care in prezent se numesc patroni, manageri sau lideri. Daca servitorul urmeaza aceste ordine, atunci proprietatea sa fundamentala si moralmente nenegociabila este recunoscuta. Dar daca el refuza sa le urmeze, atunci ii este incalcata, abuzata. Remarcam aici decriminalizarea terminologica a noului sclavagism: ideea stapanului atotputernic, copie (pamanteasca) a lui Dumnezeu (sau altor zei) a fost inlocuita cu cea a antreprenorului caruia i se iarta crimele sclavagiste in schimbul impartirii cu ceilalti a profitului scos de pe urma exploatarii muncii servitorului.

In sclavia clasica se incalcau doar doua astfel de proprietati fundamentale si moralmente nenegociabile. Prima era dreptul la viata si integritate corporala iar cealalta era dreptul la orice fel de proprietate privata a sclavului. Cea de-a doua nu era niciodata recunoscuta. Prima era recunoscuta doar daca sclavul executa ordinele. In sistemul salarial contemporan aceste drepturi sunt recunoscute oarecum formal si partial pentru servitorii moderni. Insa, la fel ca si in cazul societatii clasice, ele au ramas recunoscute total pentru cei ce dau aceste ordine.

In ciuda multitudinii de obiecte cu care omul contemporan se inconjoara, exista 3 mari proprietati fundamentale si nenegociabile din punct de vedere moral care se incalca. Prima este insasi sanatatea, a doua este adapostul si a treia este hrana. O sa le analizez pe fiecare in parte. Sanatatea este constant atacata de poluarea contemporana, atat psihica cat si chimica. Poluarea psihica este rezultatul influentei negative a stresului asupra mintii omenesti. Stresul este o camuflare a amenintarilor specifice sclaviei clasice in relatii de aparent liber schimb. Amenintarile directe asupra vietii si integritatii corporale specifice sclaviei clasice au fost inlocuite cu stresul modern. Observam aici o scamatorie de ascundere a abuzurilor sclaviei clasice in forma stresului modern si nu o renuntare la ele. Rolul acestei camuflari este protectia originii acestor amenintari. Iar la originea acestor abuzuri s-au aflat si inca se afla, desigur, stapani, profitorii de pe urma lor. Ele il „conving” atat pe sclavul clasic cat si pe executantul modern de ordine sa le urmeze ordinele, adica sa se supuna si sa serveasca. Diferenta dintre amenintarile sclaviei clasice si stresul modern consta in interpunerea de factori secundari in relatia dintre cel ce da ordine si cel ce le executa. Acesti factori indeplinesc rolul de scut pentru o eventuala revolta a celor abuzati asupra profitorilor.

Dupa cum amenintarile specifice sclaviei clasice implicau pedeapsa cu moartea, in acelasi fel si stresul conduce la moarte. Diferenta dintre cele doua tipuri de amenintari consta in timpul survenirii mortii. Amenintarea clasica o pune in practica imediat in timp ce moartea datorata stresului survine pe termen lung. Camuflarea a functionat perfect: nimeni nu mai stie ce stresuri a avut decedatul de o boala sau alta. Familia sa nu poate identifica pe cel responsabil de stresarea defunctului in trecut pentru a-l trage la raspundere pentru boala lui letala. Iar stapanul a ramas cu profitul. Dimpotriva, in sclavia clasica, urmasii sau prietenii celui ucis (pentru ca a fugit de la locul de munca sau pentru ca nu muncea suficient de bine) pot pastra in minte aceasta crima si se pot razbuna mai devreme sau mai tarziu. Medicina psihosomatica a apucat sa faca legatura intre stres si boli precum cancerul, diabetul, sau infarctul. Din pacate, in ultimii 50 de ani ea a fost sugrumata de la dezvoltare, odata ce a fost banuita ca incurca interesele noilor stapani. Din fericire ea a apucat totusi sa precizeze aceste lucruri prin pionierii sai. Aceste informatii nu-au putut fi totusi eliminate insa noii stapani au avut grija sa impiedice cat mai multi potentiali servitori sa ajunga le ea, camufland-o cu ajutorul culturii consumiste care afirma exact opusul celor spuse de ea.

Apoi, poluarea chimica este produsa pe de o parte involuntar de diferitele substante care se pun in alimente pentru a le face mai rezistente la invechire, mai apetisante si mai dorite. Unele dintre ele au fost interzise atunci cand efectele lor maladive au ajuns foarte vizibile, devenind subiecte de presa. Din pacate sunt inca multe altele cu efecte similare pe termen lung, care inca nu si-au facut prezenta. Din acest motiv ele sunt insuficient cercetate. Desigur ele sunt aproape imposibil de identificat in acest moment.

Dar, pe de alta parte, in tarile cu grad mare de sclavie infiltrata in relatiile de liber schimb, se adauga cu buna stiinta substante nocive in alimente. Acest program de otravire sistematica a neproductivilor se practica in paralel cu punerea pe butuci a sistemului medical, asa cum au facut oligarhii care au controlat societatea in tarile fostului bloc comunist, dupa anii 1990. Ca toate practicile sclavagiste, nici acest lucru nu se face din rautate diabolica, ci cu detasarea specifica corporatistului cinic originara in nepasarea calmului clasic: „nimic personal, sunt doar afaceri”. Moartea servitorului este de fapt o pierdere pe care, desigur, profitorii stiu sa o evite. Interesul nu este moartea celui imbolnavit ci dependenta lui de sistemul medical. Scopul acestei dependente consta in profitul ulterior. Practica otravirii partiale a alimentelor are rolul de a-l face pe servitorul modern sa devina dependent de sistemul medical. Iar aceasta dependenta implica o recrutare in angrenajul economiei globale.

Sunt putine state care permit spitalizarea unei persoane care nu are asigurare medicala. Ea vine in urma slujirii sistemului si nu a independentei in obtinerea celor necesare traiului. Odata intrat in aceasta capcana, servitorul nu mai poate iesi din ea decat cu pretul imbolnavirii si eventual cu moartea. Amenintat cu moartea de catre boala, practic noul servitor se afla in aceeasi situatie precum sclavul clasic.

E adevarat ca medicina a progresat enorm in ultima suta de ani. Speranta de viata a omului civilizat a crescut fata de perioada epocii industriale a secolului al XIX-lea. Insa ea este inca mica daca o comparam cu un stil de viata traditional. Recordurile de longevitate apartin tocmai celor care au avut norocul sa nu fie atinsi de aceasta influenta malefica a „civilizatiei”. Medicina a putut adauga cateva decenii la batranetea omului contemporan insa acestea se platesc in tinerete cu „stagiul” de servitor. Regret sa constat ca in acest plan murdar al profitorilor contemporani sunt implicati, fara voia si stiinta multora dintre ei, si cei care presteaza cele mai morale servicii catre societate, respectiv medicii.

Tehnologia fracturarii hidraulice care foloseste apa la presiuni imense pentru a sparge roca si a extrage gazul inchis in ea este realmente fascinanta. Aceeasi energie s-ar fi putut obtine mult mai usor prin tehnologie mult mai simpla, respectiv prin captarea energiei nelimitate a valurilor marilor si oceanelor. Insa, pe langa gazul obtinut, fracturarea hidraulica aduce altceva mult mai important: poluarea. Aceasta ii sileste pe localnici sa isi paraseasca stilul de viata traditional pentru a se transforma in angajati in metropole. In felul acesta se obtine un profit mult mai mare decat cel al energiei oarecum ieftine: atacul la adresa locuintei omului liber si fortarea sa spre dezradacinare. Iata ca vedem aici un nou tip de colonialism in adevaratul sens al termenului, discret mascat de interesul pentru energie.

Iata cum amenintarea cu moartea se regaseste si in profitul realizat in urma unei relatii de asazis tip liber schimb. Mediul celui abuzat este initial influentat negativ, fapt ce il face incapabil sa negocieze echitabil acest schimb presupus liber. Ca si in cazul sclavului clasic, si executantul modern de ordine este nevoit sa accepte acele locuri de munca stresante, degradante sau umilitoare despre care am discutat mai sus.

Pe langa incalcarea dreptului la sanatate, sclavia moderna infiltrata in relatiile de liber schimb incalca si dreptul la locuinta si hrana decente. La fel ca si sclavia clasica, si in relatiile de fals liber schimb exista diferente radicale intre oameni. Sanatatea subreda poate fi mai greu depistata la prima vedere. Insa abuzul asupra dreptului la locuinta si hrana decente este poate cel mai important criteriu al infiltrarii sclaviei in relatiile de munca de tip contractual. Amenintarile directe cu lipsa de hrana sau adapost insuficient de confortabil la dresa servitorului modern pentru a-l face mai productiv par total justificate intr-o societate clasica sau primitiva. O sa arat insa ca o astfel de viziune nu mai este actuala unei societati automatice. Aceasta practica este cu atat mai odioasa cu cat se practica cu lacomie asupra oamenilor onesti care isi fac cu sarguinta treaba la locul de munca.

Peste toate acestea patroneaza amenintarea cu concedierea si aruncarea in strada. Din pacate, astazi sa ceva este o practica comuna a corporatiilor pentru a stoarce ultimele picaturi de profit din oameni. Chiar si in tarile occidentale cu servicii sociale dintre cele mai avansate exista destule relatii de munca prelungita fata de diversi angajatori dar care nu asigura hrana si adapost decente. Un lucrator care este amenintat de catre sef cu aruncatul in strada, in conditiile in care nu a strans destula avere pentru a-si permite o retragere temporara mai lunga sau mai scurta de la aceasta activitate, sau o recalificare in alt domeniu, este un adevarat sclav salarial. Din nefericire, o astfel de practica este motorul economiei contemporane. Ea forteaza liberul arbitru al individului spre supunere si robie, la fel cum o facea amenintarea cu moartea in sclavia de sechestrare din perioada clasica despre care am discutat mai sus.

Acest articol se continuă aici:

29 mai 2016

1.4. Examples of slavery infiltrated free trade relations

The automatist society manifesto  


1.4. Examples of slavery infiltrated free trade relations

This entry continues the precedent one

Pentru varianta in limba romana clic aici

A fair society turns available services back to turn to those who offer a certain service. That means that those who benefit from someone’s service must provide on their turn something in return. If a person does not offer anything to society and only takes advantage form somebody else’s work then the society is a slavery-based one. Neither the false "illusory" or already possessed goods exchange above, such as keeping its life or immortality promise, for example, is not a fair exchange, but a classic sign of slavery. I have shown in the previous sections that there are false free trade relationships that allow the same classical slavery type of profit. This is undeserved profit and comes from an abuse. If this is a total abuse then there is a typical classical slavery relationship. If the abuse is only partial then there is an infiltrated slavery into free trade relationship, which is a embellished slavery into some kind of free trade appearance.

Every major contemporary economical powers found their "greatness" into these fake relationship abuses that generate undeserved profit. It is a long story about how human society has turned from classical slavery to this kind of modern infiltrated slavery into free trade relationship which I mentioned in some older articles and to which I will return in the next ones for more clarifications. Until then I will give some examples of such labour relationships.

It is not very difficult to identify those who are not sufficiently rewarded for various services to society. Those low quality jobs make them very unpopular, which often involves attracting immigrants to be made. The plumbers, the garbage collectors, the fruit and vegetable pickers and the other agriculture workers jobs, are in fact insufficiently appreciated by the communities. Although they are humiliating and reflect a low social status, immigrants prefer these jobs instead of those of work or social and environmental conditions in which they have lived before emigration. Unfortunately, recently, the western corporations pull the governmental strings to artificially create such imbalances in the world’s marginal areas and produce emigrants as second-class citizens and used as living tools. I have shown in detail here disadvantages of economic migration here .

A garbage collector that provides indispensable services for the whole community, although lives its life back home also in garbage because can’t afford a decent living, is one such person. It deserves a higher wage according to its work importance. The offered wage by the community is more a classic slavery concealment than an honest exchange on which the company makes for its services. A garbage collector does not rich even the 30% benefit from those whom it makes services to. Of course, his is allowed to live in the community space just as much as the classical slave was permitted to actually live in return for its services ... By denying access to the other society members services benefits this person legitimate rights are basically denied.

These people marginalization and false promise of attaining the full rights citizen status is paradoxically the key to keep them in such a position, as I will show that in details in the following sections. It is noticeable that the main difference between this type of low waged labor and the classical slavery labor relationship lays in replacing the traditional threats (with death, beating and so on) with various lies (of social ascension promise, eternal happiness and so on). In reality, after their excitement and their life will be consumed, these people will become even more marginalized and some of them even thrown out in the street. The US and China police takes care to "clean" some more of these people so to make room for others as naïve as the disappointed ones were when first arrived in the city of dreams. At the slightest mistake, those countries police would kill in cold blood these depressed people, under the coverage of a possible initial assault that had to fight against. In fact, the neo slavery system really operates here a kind of "social selection" that shadows Hitler as an amateur in social Darwinism. The similarity between police eugenic task and the punishment to the runaway classical slave is obvious.

The presence of migrants who provide services spaces below Western culture accepted human dignity has two major implications. Firstly, the main individual becomes dependent by these low dignity labor and therefore is obliged to accept the social exploitation system due to the comfort it brings. If emigrants would leave, the common people would shortly wake up with streets full of garbage, with higher prices for fruits and vegetable, with more discomfort related to domestic repairs, with decreased efficiency of public services and so on. Although it has a permanent criticism attitude towards the system and politicians, the native people paradoxically supports it exactly in the most critical area. Then, the immigrants pressure on locals to become more efficient by taking their jobs, which attracts the hostility and the disregard towards them, and deepens their sense of marginalization. I will show in detail the antisocial implications of this situation in one of the following sections.

The contemporary technology can replace those humbling jobs but there is a top state political interest for keeping these people in the dark and to perpetuate their availability to serve in future situations. Therefore any relief in their life or rising up their dignity is discreetly undermined. The Asian areas there are specialized jobs for disassembling and selecting various parts of trash thrown household or cars. It is immoral to send this waste to be disassembled there but not to invest in an automatic line to make these people’s lives easier. The electric car is an example of restraint in social evolution according to the current technology. Many such jobs in the "civilized world" are actually traps to keep people in a state of underdevelopment and spiritual retardation. They will bring profit in the future either directly or indirectly through their descendants, so that such macrosocial actions have a well defined intention.

Above the marginal social low class members there are marginalized middle class who are drunk with the illusion of social superiority. They are the central pillar of the consumer society. Although belonging to majority, they have also a marginal status; if they refuse to continue on the same path, then they too will find themselves thrown into the street as low class marginalized ones. The only difference between the two classes is that the middle class ones are well paid. Some of them are very well paid, but not well enough to waste their lives and become workaholics. The money and the illusory satisfaction of apparent luxury are actually the chains that hold them in these hard working positions. They are morally anesthetized by the high social hierarchy ideals achieving. The Cave Myth has a financial allure in the modern era. These people’s labor is very stressful and time consuming. There are a lot of such free slaves who work more than 8 hours a day, instead of socializing with family and loved ones. Therefore they either do not socialize at all or only poorly socialize inside community. Their family members’ relationship is unhealthy. They are simply marginal people isolated in more or less hermetic spaces. To counteract this handicap they pay to be accepted in specific communities or social circles. Basically, the same thing happened in the past centuries when the classical slave had to pay its right to be accepted in the community as a living person. Here's another similarity bettween this so called free labor relationship and the classical slavery!

A small or average remuneration for extremely stressful services is a sign of slavery infiltrated into free work relations between people. I can list here, for example, the labor made by the public transportation drivers, buildings construction labors and other dangerous activities or the high risk labors, either because they must be done very carefully, or because they involve various dangers for the worker or for the community. These jobs must be remunerated so that the ones who made them at some point would be able to live decently after quitting. A stressful job is unhealthy and corrosive for the mind that eventually will convert into the huge spectrum of somatic diseases known today, among which are the most lethal ones like the cancer, the diabetes and the heart attack. I would insist on this subject in one of the following sections.

In the next section I will detail how the system has developed this type of social relations in which is infiltrated the free trade slavery.