31 ianuarie 2011

Manipulation and obedience examples made by advertising and marketing

 The automatist society manifesto  Manipulation and obedience examples made by advertising and marketing

Varianta in limba romana :

The issue of this entry was started in the previous one

All the benefits of modern civilization are due to technology. Technology has brought really good things to humanity. The Neuroses almost disappeared out of classical western world mainly due to condoms and medicine development, which allowed all sorts of sexual experiences and satisfactions with no fear for an unwanted child burden and no fear for sexually transmitted diseases. As I will closely show in one of the next entries, the morality, the rule of law, the equality of chances and the kindness are due to those machines that replaced old slavery. But the technology did not entirely replace the old slave. It had to change into becoming a leader and supervisor of machines. But the principles of slavery continued until today’s highest civilization in other shapes and other structures. One of them is the psychopathological consumption, the excess consumption as discussed in detail in the previous entry.

Unfortunately, the technology (and the science) can also be used contrary to its evolution. The artistic design means involving lies in the object technological reality. When someone sees a sports car aggressive design, which looks like a bullet, or like a science fiction spacecraft, then, these objects associated with, are overevaluated. Such design forms are used for telling false data to the people. The person that uses the design, for deceiving other people, is also deceived by the neoslavery social system through design by the illusionary satisfaction of standing out on the line. This need of getting out of the order is due to inherited behavior of going to war and constantly threatening other communities with guns retaliation in exchange for their products. Caught in this neoslavery nets, the ordinary contemporary individual often takes this cultural refuge in the warrior phantasm of the conqueror but unconsciously becomes the advertising and marketing "target". Although this person has the illusion of fulfillness and liberations, she/he actually sinks down even more into the neoslavery traps. Exemple de manipulare şi obedienţă realizate prin publicitate şi marketing

Manifestul societăţii automatiste Exemple de manipulare şi obedienţă realizate prin publicitate şi marketing

Acest articol se continua de aici

 (Acest articol a fost publicat in 31 ianuarie 2011, si ulterior a devenit parte a unui analize mai detaliate asupra capitalismului. )

Toate beneficiile civilizatiei contemporane se datoreaza tehnologiei. Tehnologia a adus intr-adevar multe lucruri bune umanitatii. Faptul ca nevrozele aproape ca au disparut din lumea occidentala se datoreaza in principal prezervativului si dezvoltarii medicinii care au permis experiente si satisfactii sexuale de tot felul, fara ca partenerii sa se teama de povara unui copil venit pe nepregatite sau de bolile cu transmisie sexuala. Dupa cum voi arata in amanunt intr-unul dintre articolele urmatoare, moralitatea, statul de drept, egalitatea de sanse si bunatatea (atat cat acestea exista) se datoreaza masinilor care au permis inlocuirea vechiului sclav. Dar tehnologia nu l-a putut inlocui total. Acesta a trebuit sa se „recalifice”, devenind…conducator si supraveghetor de masini. Sclavia insa a continuat pe alte planuri si in alte forme. Una dintre ele este consumul psihopatologic, consumul in exces, dupa cum am aratat in detaliu in articolul anterior.

Din pacate, tehnologia (la fel ca si stiinta), poate fi folosita si in scopul contrar evolutiei sale. Designul este implicarea minciunilor artistice in realitatea obiectelor de putere tehnologica. Cand cineva este atras de un design agresiv al unei masini sport, ce seamana cu un glont sau cu o naveta spatiala SF, atunci obiectele de schimb economic pe care le acoperă sunt supraevaluate. Aceste forme de design sunt folosite pentru comunicarea unor date false semenilor. Acea persoana care foloseste designul (mincinos) este la randul ei mintita de sistemul neosclavagist prin design, satisfacandu-i in mod inselator nevoia sa de a iesi in evidenta. Aceasta nevoie de a iesi desupra se explica prin modelul stramosilor sai care mergeau la razboi sau amenintau constant anumite comunitati cu represalii armate, pentru a le ceda din bunuri. Prins in mrejele semisclavagismului contemporan, omul de rand se refugiaza deseori in aceasta fantasma razboinica a invingatorului, devenind astfel „tinta” publicitatii si marketingului. Desi are iluzia eliberarii si implinirii, el se afunda astfel de fapt si mai tare in laturile neosclavagiste.