28 ianuarie 2007

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1 ianuarie 2007

About me


Baldovin Concept este arhiva mea de articole teoretice specializate în filosofie, psihologie, psihanaliza, psihopatologie, sociologie, politologie, si domenii conexe sau care se intersecteaza într-un fel cu acestea. Public aici texte începand din 2007. Aceasta platforma este strans legate cu celelalte doua în care public articole pe teme jurnalistice sau artistice. Primul este Baldovin Opinius  , destinat observatiilor cotidiene, banale din lume, precum politica sau însemnarilor personale de tip jurnal. Celalalt este Baldovin Arte , destinat portofoliului artistic personal si comentariilor despre arta altora


Baldovin Concept is my theoretical specialized articles archive about issues concerning philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychopathology, sociology, politology, and related fields or fields that overlap in some aspects with them. I publish here since 2007. This platform is closely linked to other two, in which I also write articles on journalistic or artistic themes. The first is Baldovin Opinius , intended for everyday, banal observations in the world, such as politics or diary personal notes. The other is Baldovin Arte , intended for the personal artistic portfolio and comments on the work of others artists